Womb Room

Special Episode! Interview with Dr. Nick Lolatgis aka The Cowboy aka The Specialist Who Solved My Infertility

Season 1 Episode 17

In this special episode Dr. Nick Lolatgis and I chat about all things recurrent miscarriage, infertility and IVF.
What are the causes of recurrent miscarriage and why is so much unexplained?
Are any of the myths true? Can stress, over exertion, lack of sleep cause miscarriage?
Why is the DQ Alpha match so controversial?
Why do so few specialists treat tissue compatibility issues with LMIT?
Can BV, yeast infections, UTI’s etc harm your baby in early pregnancy?
Can you have too much sex during the fertile window?
What can we do from home to impact our fertility?
Is IUI always better to try before IVF?
Can having the Letz procedure cause fertility problems?
Should we push for tests after 2 miscarriages?
Is it SO bad to be a POAS addict? Spoiler Alert: It is!
Dr Nick. Lolatgis is the director at the Centre for Infertility Solutions in Clayton, Melbourne and is at the forefront of reproductive medicine. His clinic is one of two in Australia that treat tissue compatibility issues with a procedure known as LMIT.

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