Womb Room

The Bathroom Is Where The PTSD Lives - with Meegan Bradley & Harriet JW (same sex IVF, IUI, recurrent miscarriage, donor sperm)

Season 1 Episode 23

In this episode Meegan and Harriet (yes I finally interview a couple!) share their journey to baby Jack. As a same sex couple, IVF is a given for them to conceive but they never envision that it will be so complicated. In their 6 years of trying both women fall pregnant and miscarry (3 miscarriages between them). They also both have a go with IVF, switch sperm donors to someone much closer to home, administer IUI in a car, egg share, develop a strong aversion to seeing other people's baby scan pictures and finally fall and stay pregnant with baby Jack. An incredibly interesting story with many twists, turns, laughs and utter heartbreak.

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