Manifest I AM

Manifest I AM Overview

August 18, 2021 Sista' Joy (D. M. Foster) Season 2 Episode 12
Manifest I AM
Manifest I AM Overview
Show Notes Transcript

This is an Overview of what Manifest I AM  podcast offers you, the listener, in its episodes to develop self mastery.  Some of the questions to be explored include,  What is Manifesting and how do you do it? What is the I AM Presence and how do I call it forth?  What are the Cosmic Laws of Life and Who are the Ascended Masters?  The Host, Sista' Joy, a consumate Manifester and Independent Student of the 'I AM' for more than thirty years, invites you to tune in weekly to explore these topics and more. Tune in every Tuesday at 8:00 pm Central time for new episodes.   

If you listen to our podcast on Apple, Audible, or another platform that allows you to leave a rating and comment, please leave us a rating and comment if you liked our podcast. Our mission is to help you find your inner peace.

Hello and Welcome to Manifest I AM formerly called Sacred Aim. I am your Host, D. M. Foster, better known as simply Sista’ Joy. We are changing back to our old Name and Podcast, Manifest I AM. 

I do apologize to those of you who are looking for Sacred Aim. Several days ago, I had an accident. Of course, there are no accidents in life, even though we may think there are. 

I somehow lost my e-mail address to my Sacred Aim website and podcast. No matter how many times I tried to find the correct e-mail and password, I could not get back in. After contacting the website platform, I was using, they said without certain information, they could not help me. 

I couldn’t provide it and after many attempts, I decided to start a new website using my old domain name which, quite frankly, I feel is a better fit and so here we are…with Manifest I AM, again.  

What is Manifesting and How do you do it? 

 This is a question that many people ask, and I am glad that you are, because we will be exploring this question in our different podcast episodes. For forty years or more, I have been a consummate Manifestor.

Through my many experiences, I have manifested cars, homes, careers, vacations, love and more. If you wish to know more about how I did it, be sure to pick up my book, “How to Manifest Your Good.”  You will find it on It will, also, give you easy to understand techniques that will enable you to start manifesting right away if that’s what you would like to do! 

  Suffice it to say, that manifesting is your God-Given ability to bring into physical reality that which you dream about and desire deep down in your heart.  Learning how to use your faculty of visualization coupled with your feeling nature of love, poured out upon it, along with your spoken word as the hammer, will beat it into manifestation and bring it forth into visibility. 

Through our many episodes, blogs and classes, we will show you how to manifest your dreams and give you practical tools and techniques to use.

 Additionally, manifesting your dream operates in a circle of time and there are twelve steps to completion. Understanding what each step represents will give you the additional tools you need to draw your manifestation into existence. We will be exploring this circle of time and the steps to take in our upcoming episodes. 

What is I AM and How Do I Call it Forth?

 No matter where we are from in the world nor what our race or religion might be, there are two words we all use… I AM. No one else can say these two words for you, can they? Do you know why? Most people do not. Through Manifest I AM we hope to change that! 

My beloved friend, when you say I AM, you are calling forth the greatest power in the universe because you are calling forth the individualized Divine Presence of God in you - I AM. It is the most honorable word in all creation. What ever you put with I AM, you will draw into your life. That’s why we need to understand what I AM is and how to use it to bring what we want in life instead of what we don’t want. 

The primary purpose of Manifest I AM is to give you a clear understanding of what I AM means to you, where it is above and within you, and what you must do to call its love, wisdom, and power forth within your life to become your greater self. 

Along with the Teachings of the I AM, we will also introduce you to the Cosmic Laws of Life and the Great Ascended Masters, Great Cosmic Beings and Great Legions of Light who watch over and protect all humanity.  

These and many other spiritual topics of transcendent wisdom will be explored in new episodes every Tuesday at 8:00 pm Central Time. We hope you will join us and be uplifted and enlightened.

Until then, this is D. M. Foster also known as “Sista’ Joy” saying, “I Love You, I Bless You, I Have Faith in You and I Realize God in You. . .”