Be Moved & Bloom Podcast

Self-Confidence + Knowing That All The Validation You're Seeking, You Can Give To Yourself

March 03, 2022 Louise Holcomb Season 2 Episode 27

Do you base your opinion of yourself on the feedback you receive from others? Do you find that your self-worth sometimes (or often) gets tied up with the amount of 'likes', praise, or validation from other people? Are you waiting for someone else's permission or approval before you go after what your really truly want? If so, you're definitely not alone - but ultimately, you get to be the one to validate yourself!

In this solo episode with Louise, we encounter some of the ways we're made to feel inadequate, some common root causes for low self-esteem, and most importantly, how to counteract those negative self- beliefs to create true confidence and allow ourselves to shine brightly + experience the things we're truly desiring.

Ultimately, the relationship you have with yourSELF is the most important relationship in your life. Your connection to your TRUE self, that part that needs zero external validation, is something worth cultivating. How are you speaking to yourself? What beliefs do you have about yourself and your abilities? And how can you turn those beliefs around if they're not serving you? We dive into all this and more in this uplifting episode!

For the ULTIMATE self-growth, transformation, and confidence-boosting shift out of your comfort zone, join Louise this November for a bucket-list-worthy Yoga & Safari Retreat in Kenya! Experience luxury accommodation, daily yoga and meditation practice, and deep re-connection to nature in the stunning, pristine Kenyan bush along with the new best friends you will make on this intimate retreat. You will return home rejuvenated, uplifted, and completely transformed by the incredible perception-expanding experiences and new community of besties you'll connect with in this intimate retreat. For all the details and to save your spot (spaces are V limited!), click here 

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