WAEA: After The Bell...

The Darden Dispatch - 5/23/22

May 26, 2022 Zachary Season 1 Episode 25

Even though it feels like things are winding down for the the year, there is still a lot of important business happening at the board meetings! To get the run-down of the most recent meeting (5/23/22) we are again joined by Sue Darden, our vigilant WAEA Board observer.

In this episode we discuss:
The districts plan for bussing to Renaissance/IFAA + Patron criticism
The 1st reading of Policy 401.20 and patron criticism
Our new WA Board member
Mr. Gillian's expenditures presentation

Sue's full notes on the meeting can be found here.
To watch the board meeting (District justifications/patron feedback/Gillian presentation) click here.
To read the 1st draft of policy 401.20, click here