WAEA: After The Bell...
Educators discussing education in Idaho.
WAEA: After The Bell...
Episode 7 - Meet the Candidates
October 19, 2021
Season 1
Episode 7
On November 2nd, voters in West Ada Zones 1&3 will pick the two individuals to Replace Trustees Klopfenstein and Buffi on the WA Board of Trustees. In this episode, we sit down to talk with two candidates Brent Hart (Zone 1) and Anita Beckman (Zone 3) to get a sense of who they are, what qualifies/motivates them to be in this position, and what their priorities would be if elected.
** NOTE - Lori Frasure (also Zone 1) and Angie Redford (Zone 3) were asked to take part in this episode as well, but both camps refused to participate... more on this in the episode.