Covid-19, the African Story

#1 Intro: Vampires, priests, and health journalism

Presented by Nelly Kalu, Produced by Nick Raistrick

In Nigeria and Kenya, where people didn’t always trust the media, nor doctors, in the first place, WhatsApp and Facebook had over recent years led to social media becoming one of the most important sources of health information.

"Why listen to health reporters with a higher degree in science when Karen, or Makena, on Facebook, can tell you straight?"

This has led to a range of wild conspiracy theories; but who is behind them?  What links a failed British doctor, yoga moms, and al Shabab? And just why would Bill Gates want to wipe out Africans?

Presented by Nelly Kalu. Written and produced by Nick Raistrick and Nelly Kalu for IWPR, Music and sound engineering by Lee Sparey.

This podcast is part of the Institute of War And Peace Africa Resilience Network (ARN) programme. For more information please go to where you can also find resources on how to spot misinformation, as well as articles written by Kenyan and Nigerian journalists.