Satisfaction Factor

[REPLAY] #26 - Deconstructing Diet Culture Language: Authority, Discipline & Accountability

Naomi Katz & Sadie Simpson

[This week's episode is a replay because we're on vacation/having surgery! But we'll be back on July 26th with a brand new episode for you!]

This week, we're deconstructing the common diet culture concepts of authority, discipline, and accountability. In particular, we're looking at: 

what systems are being upheld by these concepts

how these concepts can interfere with our self-trust and autonomy

how we address these concepts within our work with clients

and how interrogating the language we use can help us better identify & meet our needs.

Stay in touch with the pod on IG @satisfactionfactorpod!

And here's where you can continue to find us:
Sadie Simpson: or IG @sadiemsimpson
Naomi Katz: or IG @happyshapesnaomi