T2C :: Traveling to Consciousness with Clayton Cuteri

It Is Time! Big NEWS on My Campaign for the 17th District | Ep 244

February 26, 2024 Clayton Cuteri
It Is Time! Big NEWS on My Campaign for the 17th District | Ep 244
T2C :: Traveling to Consciousness with Clayton Cuteri
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T2C :: Traveling to Consciousness with Clayton Cuteri
It Is Time! Big NEWS on My Campaign for the 17th District | Ep 244
Feb 26, 2024
Clayton Cuteri

It's time for the transformation that we all deserve as mankind.

If you feel called to aid and give your signature, please contact me via clayton@americancongressparty.com

You can also message me on IG.

Picture of the 17th District: https://ibb.co/6Fn76QJ

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Show Notes Transcript

It's time for the transformation that we all deserve as mankind.

If you feel called to aid and give your signature, please contact me via clayton@americancongressparty.com

You can also message me on IG.

Picture of the 17th District: https://ibb.co/6Fn76QJ

Send Clayton a text message!

Support the Show.

Clayton's Campaign: Clayton24.com
FREE 999 Meditation Challenge: Sign Up Here

Speaker 1:

Hello you amazing people. I hope you all are having a beautiful day. Today is just kind of an announcement, a pretty cool announcement, an announcement that's pretty exciting, if I don't say so myself. We are now officially collecting votes for my campaign in the American Congress Party, so let's go. So what this means and how you might be able to help is I am campaigning in the 17th District of PA for the US House of Representatives seat and I need 4,000 signatures. So if you live within the 17th district, I'll provide a map below, but it's like the Northwestern section of Allegheny County and Beaver County, so I would really, really appreciate any support you guys can give. If you know someone that lives in these areas, let me know. Send them my way, tell them to check it out. This is not your vote. This is only to get me on the ballot in November. So any support that I can have from you, from anybody, in order to pull that off would be tremendously amazing and I'd be forever grateful. So please send them my link below Clayton24.com to check it out. See how you can get involved.

Speaker 1:

If you don't live within PA 17, there are other ways that you're able to get involved. Maybe you could help out by oh I don't know running for Congress with the American Congress Party. I don't know or contest any local elections because, honestly, right now, the whole main goal, other than winning, is to get these ideas out there. Show people the connectivity between free, nonchemical food, between our education system and between our medication system, because they have all been corrupted by forces that are not in the best interest of the American people. So we really need to return the power to you guys, and we're gonna return that power by nonchemical food. We're gonna do this through local, regenerative farming. We're gonna return that power to you guys by increasing our education Free education in terms of indigo education. This is talking about breath work, meditation, yoga, getting our body and mind in alignment, because this is what's gonna turn us on to the next stage of human evolution. It's going to be so powerful, guys.

Speaker 1:

And, on top of this, if we don't have chemicals in our food, if we know how to take care of our body at an energetic level, what this is going to do is reduce the medication costs tremendously, tremendously, insanely. Like I don't even know, I'm not even gonna try to put it into numbers, but it's just gonna be insane. That's your number. It's going to be insanely lower. So let's do this, guys. It's time for us to restore balance and harmony.

Speaker 1:

So, again, I would be honored if you lived within the 17th district this means Beaver County, this means the north western-ish area of Allegheny County. Your signature would be tremendously valuable. So let's start this revolution and if you don't live in the county, tell somebody who does Be like hey, this dude, we're changing it. It's not even just me, it's you guys. Do you want this? Do you want that world? I assume you guys want that world. I want that world. That's why I'm running on this. So please communicate with anybody who wants that world of local, regenerative farming.

Speaker 1:

We want to get the chemicals out of our food. We want to get free medication to those who truly need it, for people, for anyone who needs it. But they're out of control, right? It's like what is it $10? They spend like $1 to make a pill and then they sell it to people for like 50 bucks. That's ridiculous. There's so many issues here with the insurance companies jacking up these prices, everything. And then education. How many times? What was the last time in school that they taught education around breath work, around meditation, around humming, around gardening, all of these things that could get us to be self-sustaining and get us off of the government, I mean, and just empower us, truly empower us to a way that we've never seen before.

Speaker 1:

So, guys, the signatures are out. Please sign. If you are in the district, you might need to contact me to get in so that we can actually get your physical signature. I'm not sure if you're able to do it online. I don't think you are. So please contact me. I'm gonna be in contact with some other local people to get them in their business.

Speaker 1:

Just a lot of contacting going on, so contact other people. You may know who want this. I mean, to me it seems like it's just. It makes sense, right. Obviously, there's a whole bunch of other issues that I want to address, but those are the three fundamental things that we got to do. We're gonna be reducing taxes. We're gonna be stopping all of these nonsensical wars, because they're sending your money, your taxpayer money, over to fund foreign aid when we have so many crises happening here in America that need fixed. So let's do it. Let's fix the world. We're starting it right here, right here in Western PA. So let's make it happen. Let's contact people about signatures, contact people to run for office, and if not, then we're gonna have contact whenever I see you guys in the sixth dimension.