Ufahamu Africa

Ep. 91: A conversation with Peace Medie about gender and conflict in Africa, writing research and fiction, and more

Peace Medie Episode 91

The news wrap in this week's episode offers tribute to Malawian economist and thinker Thandika Mkandawire, discusses COVID-19's economic impacts, and more.This week’s conversation is with Peace Medie (@PeaceMedie), a Senior Lecturer in Gender and International Politics at the University of Bristol. Her research examines gender, politics, and conflict in Africa. During a conversation we recorded at the African Studies Association annual meeting, we talk about campaigns to end gender-based violence, writing both academic research and fiction, the ethics of research in African politics, and more. During that chat, we talk about what she found when researching her newly published book, Global Norms and Local Action: The Campaigns to End Violence against Women in Africa and we talk about her forthcoming debut novel, His Only Wife, which listeners can pre-order now. Her segment begins at 9:28. As a content note to our listeners, our conversation touches on Peace's research, which includes women's reporting of sexual violence and rape to the police. 

Find the books, links, and articles we mentioned in this episode on our website, ufahamuafrica.com.

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