Creative Language Technologies

Indigenous Perspectives in Planetary Health and the Preservation of Traditional Medicines

Nicole Redvers Season 1 Episode 13

This is episode #13 of the podcast and it’s Thursday, the 10th of March, 2022.

My invited speaker today is Dr. Nicole Redvers, a member of the Deninu K’ue (“Deneh-noo-kweh”) First Nation in Denendeh. She has worked with Indigenous patients, scholars, and communities around the globe her entire career. Dr. Redvers is an assistant professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine and the Department of Indigenous Health at the University of North Dakota where she helped develop and launch the first Indigenous health PhD program. Dr. Redvers is co-founder and current board chair of Canadian charity the Arctic Indigenous Wellness Foundation based in Yellowknife, NWT, providing traditional Indigenous-rooted Land-based wellness supports to northerners. She has been actively involved at regional, national and international levels promoting the inclusion of Indigenous perspectives in both human and planetary health research and practice. She authored the trade paperback book titled, ‘The Science of the Sacred: Bridging Global Indigenous Medicine Systems and Modern Scientific Principles’.

We started the discussion with the inclusion of indigenous perspectives in planetary health and sustainable healthcare education, and then we narrowed the topic to the revitalization of traditional wellness services in the Canadian north with a focus on the preservation of Traditional Medicines. She hopes her book will help build bridges between traditional knowledge and western medicine. 

We’ve also talked about the considerable interest (and even some initiatives out there) to create immersive experiences to teach indigenous languages and bring awareness to indigenous knowledge and perspective, and to the traditional healing practices in a land-based setting. Here is the show.

Show Notes:

- promoting the inclusion of indigenous perspectives in planetary health and sustainable healthcare education. 
- defining Traditional Medicine(s) 
- building “bridges” between traditional knowledge and western medicine 
- Indigenous languages and their connection to the land and wellness 
- immersive experiences to teach indigenous languages and bring awareness to indigenous knowledge and perspective in a land-based setting


Link to Dr. Redver’s book:

Paper mentioned:

Nicole Redvers, Yuria Celidwen, Clinton Schultz, Ojistoh Horn, Cicilia Githaiga, Melissa Vera, Marlikka Perdrisat, Lynn Mad Plume, Daniel Kobei, Myrna Cunningham Kain, Anne Poelina, Juan Nelson Rojas, Be’sha Blondin. The determinants of planetary health: an Indigenous consensus perspective. Lancet Planet Health 2022; 6: e156–63