Critical Legal Theory
Episode 8: Duncan Kennedy on the Cultural and Personal History of Critical Legal Studies (Part Two)
Nov 22, 2022
Season 1
Episode 8
Jon Hanson
In this episode, you’ll hear the second part of an interview with Duncan Kennedy by Rio Pierce. In this part, Kennedy delves into his family’s personal history and his own early, formative educational and professional life experiences. He touches on ideas like:
- His mother's commitment to living an Upper Bohemian lifestyle, especially in contrast with her family’s proud, upper-middle class background.
- The impacts of the third and fourth social work movements on his father’s parents work as social workers in Chicago
- How his early educational years at Shady Hill and Andover informed his burgeoning curiosities and identity
- The role his ideologically complex post-secondary experiences at Harvard College and Yale Law School played in shaping his intellectual development
- What it meant to be a Cold War Liberal; his perspective on the Vietnam War and avoiding the draft; and his time spent working for the CIA between college and law school.
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