The Boss Club Podcast

Ep. 3 - How long should you stick with your business idea before stopping?

Boss Club Episode 3

This is one of the MOST common questions we get... how long should I stick with my business before quitting or moving onto something else? 

It's a great question and one that requires some discussion because the answer will be slightly different for everyone. In this episode, David and Charlie talk about reasons they would stick with or stop a business, and give examples from their previous businesses and rationale for sticking with it or shutting it down. 

You'll learn:

- How the GOAL of your business will drive every decision you make.
- How money isn't the only deciding factor in keeping a business running.
- Does your business have the impact you want in order to justify sticking through the hard days? 
- What lifestyle do you want your business to create, and is that worth holding out for? 
- How to challenge your assumptions and find more ways to grow the business. 

All of this and more in Episode 3 of the Boss Club Podcast! 

Want to be featured on the podcast? Send us your entrepreneurial questions, challenges, or success stories to and you might make it on the show. 

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