Velo Dulce
Velo Dulce
Kim Brearley on The Munga
Kim Brearley describes herself as "one of the ladies who rides" but having recently completed The Munga, one of the toughest races on earth, I'd say she's anything but.
The Munga is a non-stop semi-supported mountain bike race through the remote Karoo in South Africa. Riders have 120 hours or five days to ride 1155km and make the cut-off.
That's 120 hours with little sleep and extreme temperatures!
Alex Harris, the Race Director describes The Munga in these words;
“At the Munga we celebrate what it is to be human. We know the fight. We know what it means to grovel, and grind, and crawl in desperation to the light at the end of the tunnel. We know what it’s like to hang on to a thread, but claw and pull it back till it’s a tight rope, and walk that thin line, balancing the life and death of dreams, till at last we lean forward and the momentum of action carries us inexorably towards our destiny! At the Munga, we know what it’s like to live, but really live”
I had the great privilege of chatting to Kim recently to get her perspective on her experience of The Munga.
Her message of friendship and beauty really struck home with me.
I loved this video of Kim and her very big smile!
I also though these videos will give you some idea of the crazy weather conditions.
Rain, rain and more rain!
And a little more rain!
Keen to enter for next year?
Here we go!
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Take good care of you!