Speaking of Travel®

Transylvania County In North Carolina Enhances Sustainability, Natural Resources And Education

August 28, 2022 Clark Lovelace

Clark Lovelace, Executive Director for the Transylvania County Tourism Development Authority in Western North Carolina, shares how sustainable and educational initiatives help improve healthy growth and protects natural resources. 

Despite the challenges over the past few years, Clark, his team, and members of the community continue to step up. Their tourism leaders understand the needs of locals and guests and want to help improve their quality of life by taking care of each other and the planet.

Clark explores current trends in travel and tourism and the impact to the region and how important it is to be focused on areas beyond simply bringing visitors to the county. Discover how the Transylvania County Tourism Development Authority shifted from a destination marketing organization to a destination management organization in order to focus on sustainability, safety and infrastructure.

Also on Speaking of Travel, go behind the scenes with Tina Kinsey, Vice-President of Marketing, PR, and Air Service Development at the Asheville Regional Airport and find out how great airports keep their priorities straight and focus on what matters to its passengers. 

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