Speaking of Travel®

Tuk South Raises Awareness For Africa’s Wildlife Rangers On The Frontline

Tuk South With Jasper Horsey

Imagine turning your passion for adventure into a meaningful cause to help save the planet. Jasper Horsey shares why he and his three mates began Tuk South and spent the last of their savings on two Tuk-Tuks to travel the world and highlight the conservation of wild spaces and the people protecting them.

Discover why Jasper, Josh, Ivo and Robbie, four conservation-minded adventurers living in Kenya, decided to embark on a daring expedition to raise awareness and money for rangers on the frontline -- by driving from Kenya to Cape Town, and beyond, in Tuk Tuks. 

Jasper shares why the fab four decided to set out on this odyssey to raise awareness of  COVID’s effect on conservation and the importance of wildlife rangers, the heroes who help maintain the balance between communities and wildlife. 

With the conservation of some of the planet’s most important habitats and wildlife in danger of poaching, illegal logging and the exploitation of natural resources, raising funds for wildlife rangers was an obvious choice for Tuk South. Their story is about giving back and they are working alongside "For Rangers," a humanitarian charity and wildlife conservation organization. 

Also on Speaking of Travel, Tina Kinsey at the Asheville Regional Airport, shares some fall air travel trends and what we can expect moving into the changing season.

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