Speaking of Travel®

Awaken Your Consciousness At The Imiloa Institute In The Costa Rica Jungle

Jake Sasseville

Jake Sasseville, co-founder of the Imiloa Institute, shares how to experience an awakening of consciousness through a variety of transformational retreats and group experiences in the jungle of Costa Rica. 

Jake has been on his own transformational journey and he shares his life challenges and describes his spiritual path and the spiritual markers along the way. Find out ways the unique culture of Imaloa helps you make progress in your own life. "This jungle has brought up so much for me. Imiloa is going to transform your life." 

Discover how Jake continues to clarify his vision and how he's learning to let go. If you are on a personal mission to become a better person, this episode of Speaking of Travel is a game-changer. 

And a must listen!

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