Speaking of Travel®

Musical Performers Peggy Ratusz and Paula Hanke Celebrate Linda Ronstadt

Marilyn Ball

Peggy Ratusz and Paula Hanke are on the road delighting audiences with their sensational act, “Love Is a Rose: Celebrating the Music of Torch Singer Linda Ronstadt,” featuring some of her best works. Peggy and Paula have been friends for over a decade and collaborated before, but their newest chapter is truly a project from the heart. “Love Is a Rose: Celebrating the Music of Torch Singer Linda Ronstadt,” is part of an ongoing project, the Women Who Make Music History Concert Series. Find out what led them to develop, produce and launch their brand and why they are simpatico as two women who own their own business and travel together. Although quite alike in many ways, they are different enough to benefit the partnership in just the right ways! A fabulous conversation!


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