Speaking of Travel®

Cindy McMahon Experiences A Spanish Immersion School in Cuenca, Ecuador

July 25, 2019 Marilyn Ball

Have you been thinking about learning another language? Cindy McMahon serves on the Buncombe County School Board and has over 25 years of management experience in nonprofits and small businesses. This summer, Cindy’s taking a sabbatical from her work to relax and have some adventures, including participating in a language immersion school in Cuenca, Ecuador. Cindy explains why she chose to dive head first into the deep end of language immersion in Cuenca, what it was like during her two-week stay, and how the community welcomed her with open arms. If you've ever considered taking the leap and participating in an immersion school, Cindy shares tips on how to research and what to look for in planning such an adventure. 

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