Speaking of Travel®

Speaking of Flying + Traveling Light

October 25, 2019 Marilyn Ball

Josh and Rachel travel a lot for work, but this time they are headed to see family in Mississippi. Being frequent flyers, Josh and Rachel are pros when it comes to maximizing flexibility and convenience on the go.

“Always pack a carry-on bag, never check a bag,” Josh said. “You don’t have to wait for your bags at the end of a trip.” 

“It’s a lot easier if you’re boarding in a later zone or if you’re in a rush, it’s easy just to shove under your seat,” Rachel said. “Then you can get up and go.”

Josh and Rachel love the convenience of their hometown airport. “It’s like a second home to me,” Rachel said. “It’s really easy to navigate and super easy to get in and out of. It’s helpful that whenever you are here, you’re home. You can go straight home and not have to worry about traveling a couple extra hours.”

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