Speaking of Travel®

Keep Dreaming Of An African Safari

March 15, 2020 Marilyn Ball

A few years ago, I had what I then believed was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It was a dream trip on an African safari. And I can tell you, there isn’t much to prepare you for the sheer scale and natural beauty of this amazing landscape and the different sights and sounds you’ll encounter.

Now is the time to make your dream trip come true. Toby Brown, marketing director and lead safari coordinator of Outdoor Africa, an on-the ground private safari operator in South Africa offering custom-designed and privately guided tours all over southern Africa and beyond. Toby explains why there really is nowhere else on Earth quite like Africa and why traveling into the natural parts of Africa is to travel into the heart of Mother Nature in all its raw beauty. At the very least it is amazing, and at the most, life changing.

From what I’m hearing, you can never get bored in South Africa and the country loves to surprise you. Toby tells us about all there is to see and do besides seeing animals on safari and that you can easily create a packed two-week itinerary and never set foot in a safari vehicle. It's really mind-boggling. Keep dreaming and make your plans!


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