Speaking of Travel®

Planet Prescription Connects Science And Stories Through Listening And Storytelling

Dayna Reggero

Dayna Reggero of the Climate Listening Project details her new documentary, "Planet Prescription." The film connects science and stories and offers hopeful solutions for humanistic health care for a healthier future.

 “Planet Prescription” centers around the Southeast: rural Tennessee, city of Atlanta, Georgia, suburbs of North Carolina, listening to an epidemiologist, pulmonologist, intensive care unit nurse, cardiovascular surgeon, internist, immunologist, registered nurse health navigator, social worker, counselor, and pediatric pulmonologist. Dayna and her team follow healers where they work: at huge hospitals, community hospitals, an elementary school, a university wellness center, a doctor’s office in a suburban mini mall, a Southeast Narrative Healthcare Symposium, and a Mothers and Others for Clean Air Grand Rounds Training. 

 For more Speaking of Travel + Climate Listening Project series episodes, visit speakingoftravel.net/climateseries

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