Speaking of Travel®

The Spirit Of Exploration And Adventure Is Alive And Well

Chris DiCroce

Chris DiCroce and his wife are experiencing an inner journey that people are undertaking now due to the inability to travel physically. But instead of feeling as if they've been backed into a corner, they’re discovering a door they never knew was there before. 

Chris is a best-selling author, musician, speaker, and sailor. After they sold their house and almost everything they owned to move onto a sailboat, they discovered the greatest triumphs sometimes came from their greatest challenges.

Today they are back from an adventure in the Baja Peninsula that left them with new questions and thoughts for the future. Chris shares stories describing how the fear of the unknown did not keep them from going on what would became a magical trip and would end up giving him the space and energy to write his latest book, "The Quiet Goings On."

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