Speaking of Travel®

Mark File of RomanticAsheville.Com Enriches His Community By Giving Back

Marilyn Ball

Since 2003, award winning journalist/photographer Mark File of RomanticAsheville.com has provided travelers the opportunity to make the most of a visit to Western North Carolina and makes a difference by contributing back to the region. Each year, RomanticAsheville.com gives back in paid and in-kind sponsorships to 200 non-profits in tourism, arts, heritage and environment. From the annual Giving Calendar fundraiser for land conservancy to special campaigns to restore trails or buy fire equipment to fight wildfires, Mark is making a difference and enriching so many. In this episode, Mark fills us in on the 2019 Giving Calendar and why land conservancies are so important. He also shares info on where we can find some great protected places to visit this winter.

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