Transportation Radio

Connecticut DOT Climate Initiative Program and Partnership with Department of Environmental Protection

Bernie Wagenblast

This month's AASHTO ETAP Podcast will focus on how state agency partnerships are helping Connecticut both achieve its state climate goals and implement the Transportation and Climate Initiative Program, or TCI-P. State DOTs are critical stakeholders in deciding how to re-invest revenue generated caps on emissions. TCI-P is a historic multi-state effort to cap and reduce greenhouse gas emissions from transportation In Connecticut, for example, TCI-P is projected to generate roughly a billion dollars over the next decade, much of which will support transportation systems.

To learn more about TCI-P and the ongoing collaboration between state agencies in Connecticut, we are joined by Katie S. Dykes, the Commissioner of the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection, or DEEP, as well as Garrett Eucalitto, the Deputy Commissioner of the Department of Transportation.