What's Working Now

63. Get in Their Face, Place, and Space: How to Stand Out to Quality Leads

Katie Richardson

In today's world of social media and constant online connection, it's more important than ever to build relationships with potential customers. But with so much noise, how can you make sure you stand out and get quality leads? Amanda Holmes, CEO of Chet Holmes International, sits down with host Katie Richardson to share her top tips for using social media to build relationships. Make sure you're top-of-mind when your potentials are ready to buy on this episode of What’s Working Now.

3 Key Takeaways

  • You don’t want to build rapport with everyone. Amanda shows how to identify and focus on your REAL ideal client so that you can make contacts that will double your sales. 
  • Follow Amanda’s mantra: get in their face, place, and space. This means frequent commenting on their social platforms and showing up where they attend. 
  • If you’re approaching your ideal client and talking about yourself, you will NOT gain leads. Instead, relate to what interests THEM.


Visit ultimatesalesmachine.com to purchase the book and get access to the 47 point ideal client checklist




About Amanda

Amanda Holmes is the CEO of Chet Holmes International, a company that specializes in helping businesses double their sales. She took over the company at 24, after her father passed away from cancer. Since then, she has grown the company significantly, and is passionate about helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses.

Amanda realized that the key to success was understanding who her ideal client was and focusing on them. She created a system called the Dream 100, which involves focusing on the 100 people who could change your world.

Show Notes

[00:00:57] - Amanda Holmes is the CEO of Chet Holmes International, which has worked with over 250,000 businesses worldwide. She inherited her father's multimillion dollar business when he died of cancer at the age of 24.Amanda hired and fired different CEOs for two years to fill the void left by her father's death.

[00:06:08] - There are 38 billion social media pages today, so it's getting harder to get the attention of the prospect. Entrepreneurs need to focus on their ideal clients and follow the 47-point checklist for how to determine your dream client.

Amanda shares the story of how she followed a client on Instagram and commented every day to build rapport. It’s important to appeal to the potential’s interests when building a relationship. 

[00:22:24] - Amanda is rereleasing her father’s book with her own new addition at the end.

[00:25:33] - 97% of prospects feel that salespeople are too pushy today. If you are coming from a place of service, you can generate far greater wealth, monetarily and emotionally. Intention significantly impacts outcome. 

[00:32:50] - The publishers are fascinated with the fact that this book is still selling so many copies. There are so many marketing and sales books out there, and consistently, this is a go to. It's the skills it takes to go from a million to five, from five to ten, from ten to 100 million and beyond that are learnt over and over again.

[00:39:50] - Amanda answers WWN’s rapid-fire question round. to sing.