What's Working Now

80. The Brutal Truth Principle: Real-Life Stories of Acknowledging Reality and Empowering Growth

Katie Richardson

Katie's five-step process emphasizes hyper-awareness, being present, and being honest to both ourselves and those around us. She walks us through eliminating the drag of negativity we place on what happens, and instead shows us how to acknowledge the truth for what it is so we can move forward.

3 Key Takeaways

  • How to avoid attaching labels to situations and acknowledge them for what they are.
  • How to recognize and move away from the "inner bully" approach to success.
  • How to take ownership and create clarity in your life and business.

[00:00:58] - Accountability in my world is not beating up or bullying yourself. When we attach all of these labels and we beat ourselves up, it's like this downward spiral. So we eliminate the drag by telling the truth and letting it be what it is.

[00:07:54] - We put expectations on ourselves. And so it's human nature kind of to defend ourselves when we come up short. When you can operate this way with your clients, you just fully own it, and you apologize. And immediately clarity starts to show up.

[00:11:13] - A challenge called hashtag Katie's clarity. I'm going to show you how to create radical clarity. What happens when you have this radical clarity is we get unstuck.