Journey Abroad

Ep 7: Feeling Black with Drea Asibey

Season 1 Episode 7

In this week's episode, I chat with Drea Asibey about her experience being and feeling black in predominantly white spaces. Drea shares her experiences living in the UK, in Trinidad and Tobago and in Canada and how she navigated race in these different places. A recurring theme of this episode is community. Drea talks about how she turned to community for support in order to thrive in these spaces.

Drea is a Ghanaian-British-Canadian currently pursuing a Master's degree in Black Humanities at the University of Bristol. She also works in a museum as a Visitor Experience Assistant. Drea completed a Bachelor's in Classics and African Studies at McGill University in Montreal, QC, Canada. Connect with her on LinkedIn, Instagram @dreaasibey or on Twitter @maameafiadwumaa.

Notes from the episode:
I'm free video describing Drea's feelings after she graduated from McGill
NYTimes article about code-switching in interracial dating

Note that this is the last episode of 2021. I wish you all a restful and safe holiday season. See you in the new year! 

Journey Abroad on Twitter: @journeyabroad_
Journey Abroad on Instagram: @journeyabroad_podcast

Music by:  John_Sib from Pixabay