Grown Up U

Managing Stress

Division-of-Agriculture Season 1 Episode 7

Got stress? Today's podcast by Mary Ann Kizer, Family and Consumer Sciences Agent in Jefferson County, shares resources for managing stress. Join Mary Ann and her guest, Dot Hart,  as they talk about ways to overcome stress from our Extension handout, Managing Stress: Turning Challenges into Blessings. After listening to our podcast, visit our website to download a copy of the handout to learn more ways to handle stress at Managing Stress: Turning Challenges into Blessings (

Podcast Opener: Adulting – Thinking of all the things adults have to do can be intimidating. Maybe you are realizing just how much you don't know about living on your own.

If this sounds familiar, join us today to learn the skills you need and take some of the stress out of being an adult.

This is Grown Up U, an adulting podcast to help you navigate the twists and turns of adult life. Listen and get life skills you didn't learn in school.


Mary Ann Kizer: Good morning. Did you know that all of us experience stress?

Stress seems to be an inevitable part of life and we may have small, medium, or large stresses.

Some stress is necessary for life and achievement. But did you know that too much stress can harm us physically and emotionally?

This podcast will teach you ways to turn your stress is integral in turn your challenges into blessings.  Dot, would you tell me something that was stressful to you in your life? 


Dot Hart: Yes, I can. I can share of the time that I moved when I moved to Arkansas from Kentucky, newly married, and I had to leave my family.

So, I came to Arkansas. I didn't know anybody. And I was very, very, very, very stressed.

I come from a very close family. Actually, my son, my grandchildren were all still going to be in Kentucky. My mom, who was aging, was still going to be left in Kentucky. And I was heading to Arkansas.

When I when I arrived in Arkansas, I didn't know anyone except my husband. His family was a little stingy with him. He pastored a church. So, everybody, the congregation, everybody knew him, and they loved him. And I was still like a wait and see. 

My next door neighbor came and welcomed me, but she even knew that I was I was nervous.

But it didn't take long until I met friends and things kind of helped you out there.


Mary Ann: Yes. Well, Teddy Roosevelt said, “Do what you can with what you have and where you are.” So, what are some resources that helped you with your challenge?


Dot: Well, one thing was taking on hobbies, religious and faith.

I had a temporary job at Curves. And while I was working there I met an Extension Homemaker member and she took and introduced me to the Jefferson County Extension Homemaker Club.

And through that organization, I've learned lots of new things, especially hobbies was one of my things. But just the friends and the relationships, it kind of replaced everything that I had left back home in Kentucky.


Mary Ann: That is super, especially you that you met with the Extension Homemakers.

Well, everyone in life, we have stresses and then we have different resources

then that can help us to turn our challenges or the stresses into blessings.

So, most people have heard of Helen Keller and she as a child, she became blind and deaf.

So, we can all think about the stress that she had. She could have shut herself off from the world with self-pity and resentment.

But instead, she turned her challenges into blessings, becoming a great author, activist and speaker who inspired millions of people. Dot, what did Keller say about her life?


Dot: “Is it not true, then, that my life, with all its limitation touches at many points the life of the world, beautiful? Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence. Silence sits immense upon my soul. Then comes hope with a smile and whisper. There is joy and self-forgetfulness.

So, I tried to make the light in other’s eyes, my sun. The music in other’s ears, my symphony. The smiles on the other's lips, my happiness. 


Mary Ann: And this story is shared in the University of Arkansas System, Jefferson County Extension Service. Well, actually all 75 counties. There is a booklet called Managing Stress Turning Challenges into Blessings.

So, we have talked about managing stress, whether our challenges are small, medium or large.

And our challenges don't have to lead to frustration and stress because each of us have resources.

And you have named the Extension Homemakers, who are one of your resources.

And we have different supportive networks. So, resources can determine our view of challenges.


Dot: To get a copy of managing stress, go to to download Managing Stress or contact your local county family and consumer sciences extension agent to get a free copy. 


Podcast Closer: For more information about this or any Grown Up U podcast or to learn more about Grown Up U educational opportunities,

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The Grown Up U podcast series is brought to you through the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service. 


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