The Mindset Map
I bet you've heard people say that 'you already have everything within you to achieve whatever you want to achieve' and if you're anything like me you've probably rolled your eyes at that too! The truth is that the potential of every single one of us is truly and completely limitless but unfortunately it is not as simple as just blind faith and optimism that everything will work out! What we do need is that missing part of the puzzle and that for so many of us is our own mindset - ie the thoughts we have, the stories we tell ourself and the beliefs we cling on to!
The Mindset Map Podcast will help you to navigate your path to confidence, joy and success. Like a sat nav for your brain!
Every week I will share a coffee catch-up episode with you - a quick thought from my brain to yours to inspire and help you on your own mindset journey. Believe me, I know how hectic life can be whilst you are spinning all the many plates that life throws at you so these short episodes are designed to give you a quick boost on those days when your time is more limited!
And then once a month, I'll share a longer episode where I can dive deeper into a particular topic or be joined by a special guest to share their own mindset journey with you.
I can't wait to get started on this journey with you and help you unlock your own potential by harnessing the sheer power of your fabulous brain!
Whatever you want in life and in business, it all starts with mindset...
And if you want more of this kind of content be sure to follow me, I'm at @rachelbloomfieldcoaching on all the socials.
The Mindset Map
"I think I've watched everything on YouTube!"
Liked this episode? Or have a suggestion for a future episode? Send me a text!
In this episode we discuss the minefield that is kids and tech!! From mobile phones to social media, screen time to YouTube we chat through it all, including our kids' insane tech skills that put us to shame!!
We talk in this episode about Henry wanting to have his own YouTube channel and since recording this episode, his dream has come true and you can now find him on YouTube as Henry Football!
If you're worried about any aspect of your child's safety online then the NSPCC has some invaluable resources which can be accessed here.
Mums' Night Out is hosted by Rachel, owner of Happy Cat Kids, an online children's toy & gift store and mum to Roxy (10) and Henry (6) and Sophie, primary school teacher and Mum to Amelia (11) and Daisy (6) .
We hope you enjoy this episode, so that you don't miss out on any future episodes, be sure to subscribe and if you'd like to connect with us on social media them come and follow us at @mumsnightoutpodcast over on Facebook or Instagram.
If you want to be the first to know about upcoming Mums' Night Out events then sign up to our email list here.
So grab a glass of wine, stick in your headphones and let's have a Mums' night out...