The Reformed Deacon

NDS IV 2022 Workshop: Refugee Ministry

August 25, 2022 a Podcast from the OPC Committee on Diaconal Ministries Season 1 Episode 13

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*We apologize for some portions of this audio that may be difficult to hear.  We believe the content makes it worth powering through, and we think you'll be glad you did.

In this special series, we are releasing the audio versions of the plenaries and workshops from the OPC National Diaconal Summit IV, held June 2-4, in Wheaton, Illinois. There is so much good content in here, we decided to go ahead and release them in groups, so you can listen at your own pace. We've included the "gold nuggets", in this first grouping; the topics that were most popular at the Summit.

This session from the first group is  "Refugee Ministry", a workshop led by Rev. Chris Cashen.

The video version of these topics are on  You may want to watch the videos with your fellow deacons, maybe even as a part of your regular meeting, and then discuss. 

However you decide to use them, you won't be sorry you took the time. 

As always, like and share, and comment, if you can. We like feedback.

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