"It's tough for us to wrap our heads around this daily torrent of news...and we're proressionals! How are regular people meant to keep up?" -- that's the question, asked by a veteran journalist on SiriusXM's POTUS Press Pool hosted by Julie Mason, that inspired this podcast. Join screenwriter/unredeemable normie @d_twit and meet his fellow Press Pool superfans, the #POOLIGANS, as well as some of your favorite journalists, operatives and other people of gravity and import!*This independant fan podcast is not associated with SiriusXM*
S2E11 SIRAJ HASHMI (@SirajAHashmi) writer and video editor for the Washington Examiner!
@d_twit, @sirajAhashmi
Season 2
Episode 11
Yes, dear #POOLIGANS, the moment has arrived: the much beloved baritone of SIRAJ HASHMI (@SirajAHashmi), writer/commentary video editor for the WASHINGTON EXAMINER, and frequent guest and guest host on SIRIUSXM's POTUS Channel joins @d_twit to discuss ALL the things: Growing up in Pakistan and the United States, the charms and challenges of being a Twitter user that goes viral, writing for a conservative outlet, creating sick beats, political grandstanding and the secret of why nesting may eventually beget gaming...maybe? You *know* you don't want to miss this one -- so just start it up and go with the flow!