"It's tough for us to wrap our heads around this daily torrent of news...and we're proressionals! How are regular people meant to keep up?" -- that's the question, asked by a veteran journalist on SiriusXM's POTUS Press Pool hosted by Julie Mason, that inspired this podcast. Join screenwriter/unredeemable normie @d_twit and meet his fellow Press Pool superfans, the #POOLIGANS, as well as some of your favorite journalists, operatives and other people of gravity and import!*This independant fan podcast is not associated with SiriusXM*
S2E16 TAEGAN GODDARD (@politcalwire) founder of Political Wire!
@d_twit, @politicalwire
Season 2
Episode 16
On today's episode we're proud to welcome TAEGAN GODDARD, founder of one of the most influential and earliest political websites: www.politicalwire.com, the best news aggregator on the internet. Taegan looks back at 20 years of running what was a political blog before blogs even existed and turning it into the preeminent website it is today. We talk about news curation, why we benefit from listening to our children's opinions about politics rather than imparting our own and get a sneak preview of Teagan's forthcoming book "Spitball: The New Rules of Our Broken Politics". It's a fascinating conversation with one of the sharpest analysts of not only daily politics, but the currents and riptides underneath it all.