"It's tough for us to wrap our heads around this daily torrent of news...and we're proressionals! How are regular people meant to keep up?" -- that's the question, asked by a veteran journalist on SiriusXM's POTUS Press Pool hosted by Julie Mason, that inspired this podcast. Join screenwriter/unredeemable normie @d_twit and meet his fellow Press Pool superfans, the #POOLIGANS, as well as some of your favorite journalists, operatives and other people of gravity and import!*This independant fan podcast is not associated with SiriusXM*
S3E3 Meet AHMAD CHILDRESS (@AhmadChildress)
@d_twit w/ @ahmadchildress, @jojofromjerz and @denisetut
Season 3
Episode 3
We're back with a seasonal episode featuring AHAMAD CHILDRESS (@AhmadChildress), fellow podcaster, fellow nerd and politics savant extraordinaire! We discuss his Los Angeles roots, the microcosm that is California, his work covering the entertainment field and his outstanding TV podcasts. We're then joined by #POOLIGANS favorites @jojofromjerz and @DeniseTut to talk impeachment, Trump fatigue, appropriately sized Halloween candies and also tackle The Great Candy Corn Debate (as if there was such a thing -- it's not a candy and is objectively bad sorry Jo and Denise!)