"It's tough for us to wrap our heads around this daily torrent of news...and we're proressionals! How are regular people meant to keep up?" -- that's the question, asked by a veteran journalist on SiriusXM's POTUS Press Pool hosted by Julie Mason, that inspired this podcast. Join screenwriter/unredeemable normie @d_twit and meet his fellow Press Pool superfans, the #POOLIGANS, as well as some of your favorite journalists, operatives and other people of gravity and import!*This independant fan podcast is not associated with SiriusXM*
Season 2
Episode 7
At long last, we got him for you: The MVP tweeter of @juliemason's @POTUSPressPool, the man whose name you've heard countless times: Radu Marinescu! On this President's Day podcast, @d_twit and Radu discuss the secrets to being read online, Radu's experience with Top Secret clearances and redaction, why weekends should be kept politics free and Radu's surprising new career post-Washington. Don't miss the voice behind the handle! #POOLIGANMVP