Fanachu! Podcast

Nurturing and Growing Chamoru Diasporic Communities with Dr. Jesi Lujan Bennett

Fanachu Season 6 Episode 215

The 215th episode of Fanachu! featured Dr. Jesi Lujan Bennett who discussed the important of nurturing and growing of diasporic Chamoru communities. Dr. Lujan Bennett is a faculty member in Pacific and Indigenous Studies at the University of Waikato in Aotearoa/New Zealand. Check out this episode to learn more about the work she and others are doing in terms of developing diasporic Chamoru networks and connecting them to the Marianas.

This episode went live on Facebook and YouTube on July 6, 2022 and was hosted by Michael Lujan Bevacqua. 

Episode was audio engineered by Curtis J. Jewell and uses music from Jonah Hånom and his performance at the 2021 Na'lå'la' Songs of Freedom Vol 5 concert. 

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