On the Couch

On the Couch with Andrew Wielandt (DP Wealth) - The "ETF Whisperer"

November 18, 2021 Marcus Today

This week On the Couch I have Andrew 'The Whisperer' Wielandt (DP Wealth) on again. Time to face the music and get some expert feedback on the NEAT ETF Portfolio.
Many members will know of Andrew's work and contribution, I do a show with him every fortnight on Ausbiz and he is one of the few independent experts in the space.
I asked him some time ago if he would provide some input into the new portfolio, he agreed and now he gives his advice and opinion on how I have gone building the portfolio.
Fair to say its a work in progress and his input is valuable and I will be taking on board his advice.
It's a fun episode as always with Andrew and his knowledge never ceases to amaze me. If you have an interest in the brave new world of ETFs, its a highly recommended.