Am I Doing This Wrong?


September 16, 2022 Ryann Perkins & Morgan Morrison
Am I Doing This Wrong?
Show Notes

We are beyond excited to have HomoAF on this week's Side Hustle Short! HomoAF is designing some of the cutest niche wrapping paper and novelty gift items celebrating queer and kink culture! You don't want to miss our chat with Joseph, co-founder of HomoAF and  design expert - he is sharing where his love of design came from, how HomoAF gave him a space to let his creativity run wild, and how they've learned to grown their side hustle through popups and partnerships. Tune in this week for some great advice on how to ask questions, be smart about your business choices, and maybe a recommendation or two on where you'll be purchasing your wrapping paper from this holiday season!  As always, join us on YouTube for the visual conversation, ESPECIALLY THIS WEEK TO SEE HOMOAF'S INCREDIBLE DESIGNS! Language access provided!

Want to connect with HomoAF? Go follow them on Instagram @homo_a_f

And don't forget to check out their website and their etsy shop -!

Also, go check out their exciting new project @campycutouts  

As always, join the conversation @wrongthepodcast on Instagram!