RAW Mission

The Kurds of Iraq

Frontiers UK Episode 53

In this episode we hear from J, who spent 11 years with his family in Northern Iraq living amongst the Kurds.

We discuss ISIS (aka Daesh / the Islamic State), the connections that the Kurds have with the ancient Medes (as mentioned in the Bible), eco-tourism and archaeology, and the role that statehood (or lack of it) has for the Kurds.

We also discuss the Californian, Roger Cumberland, a missionary to the Kurdish people who was martyred in 1938. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roger_Cumberland

NB. Kurdistan is a term that Kurds may appreciate since it speaks of their dreams and aspirations for unity and statehood, but for others in Turkiye, Iraq, Iran & Syria it is a term imbued with a very negative political meaning, one that relates to separatism and division.

For more on the Kurds, read:
Ethnic Realities and The Church, Lessons from Kurdistan by Robert Blincoe

For J's sermon at the International Church in Dohuk, entitled What the Bible says about Kurds, click here.

As mentioned at the end of the episode, we have our Neighbours and Nations Day on the 23rd November. If you'd like to find out more find the details here.

Neighbours & Nations Conference: Saturday 23rd November 2024
High Wycombe, UK
To sign up for free tickets:

Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.

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