RAW Mission

7 Days in Turkey

Frontiers UK Episode 55

Most of our guests have been 'on the field' for years, since we at Frontiers are all about long-term engagement with unreached peoples, i.e. going deep into language and culture to be as effective as possible in making disciples and planting churches.

But today's young guests report back on a recent short-term mission trip that they went on in Turkey (Turkiye) that lasted for only a week.

Hannah and Lucy were sent out on a team to experience the 'Muslim world', to go to a remote town where there are no known believers, to pray and see who God would lead them to. Where would they stay? Would their reception be hostile or welcoming? What kind of spiritual formation would God be doing in them?


If you would like to consider going on one of our short-term trips, click here.

To learn about the YWAM Discipleship Training School that Hannah did after leaving school, click here.


As mentioned at the end of the episode, we have our Neighbours and Nations Day on the 23rd November. If you'd like to find out more find the details here.

Neighbours & Nations Conference: Saturday 23rd November 2024
High Wycombe, UK
To sign up for free tickets:

Do get in touch if you have any questions for Matt or for any of his guests.

You can find out more about us by visiting www.frontiers.org.uk
Or, if you're outside the UK, visit www.frontiers.org
(then select from one of our national offices).

For social media in the UK:
Instagram: frontiers_uk
Facebook: @frontiersukfriends

And do check out the free and outstanding 6 week video course for churches and small groups, called MomentumYes:
www.momentumyes.com (USA)
www.momentumyes.org.uk (UK)