3 Black Guys and Larry
3 Black Guys and Larry
Hypocrisy: Bozos, Bimbos, and the Bamboozled
This week explores the hypocrisy in society, from those who are affected by it. As well as those doing the perpetrating. We take an eximantion of:
* Men finding out their sons and daughters who were assumed to be their biological children, turning out to be actually not. Should they stay in the kids' lives after finding out the news?
*Women finding out their partners have a secret love child. A child she did not know he had.
* Are men being hypocrites now in calling out today's women sexual prowness and newfound sensual boldness? Have the tables turned? Are men being justified with their criticism?
* Are the media and governments attention to Putin's unjust war in Ukraine different than other international crises that have happened recently?
All this and more. Including the NFL and Gambling, as well as how much do you tell your Partner in this week's latest intriguing episode.