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End of Day – Thur 30 Jun

Marcus Today

  •  ASX 200 finished the year down in the dumps down 132 points to 6568 (2.0%). More undressing than window dressing. Late sell off as funds took out the trash. Sloppy across the board. Banks were hit again as the rally from the lows has been skewered, the Big Bank Basket fell 2.6% to $159.30 with CBA down 2.8% and NAB off 2.4%. MQG off 2.1%, with the ASX down 1.6%, MFG down 5.1% as wealth managers under pressure with performance fees in doubt. AEF off 5.9% with PTM falling 2.3%. Insurers muted, Healthcare too escaping most of the fall, CSL down 0.3% and SHL up 0.6%. Industrials hit again, WES down 1.8% with COL and WOW also under pressure with EDV giving away recent gains down 1.4%. Tech was relatively calm, for tech. WTC down 0.5%, XRO off 2.0% and the All-Tech Index off another 0.9%. Resources though a sad and sorry place, BHP dropped 3.5%, FMG down 4.7% and RIO off 3.3%. Gold miners still under the kosh. NCM down 2.8% and NST falling 2.7%. Base metals eased but not significant. Energy stock fell, WDS down 3.0% and STO fell 1.6% with coal stocks easing back too. 
  • In corporate news, CSR fell 1.5% after announcing a buy back, PAR rose 10.3% after acceptance by local partner, LTR gave back some gains falling 5.80% on a presentation. In economic news, job vacancies were up 13.8% and CBA raised mortgage rates on fixed rate loans. Asian markets were mixed with China still pushing ahead on reopening hopes. 10-year yields steady at 3.68%

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