
A Beginner's Lesson on Dyslexia with Lorraine Hightower, Certified Dyslexia Advocate and Consultant

Lorraine Hightower Season 1 Episode 9

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With an admitted lack of knowledge on dyslexia, host Jessica Kidwell has a beginner's lesson on this disability with Lorraine Hightower, Certified Dyslexia Advocate and Consultant.  In this episode we discuss:

  • The definition of dyslexia and its prevalence
  • The signs and indicators of dyslexia in preschool aged and older children
  • Steps parents should take if they suspect their child has dyslexia
  • Gold standards for treatment and remediation
  • How the IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) and State criteria can lead to inequity in treatment as well as an adversarial relationship with public schools
  • How to best partner with your school team to advocate for your child
  • The use and need for accomodations
  • How dyslexia impacts adults and our society

About Lorraine Hightower:
Lorraine is a certified Dyslexia Advocate & Consultant who helps parents of children with dyslexia navigate the special education process. Working collaboratively with schools, she creates appropriate educational plans that allow children to learn and thrive. Lorraine also informs and influences education leaders, legislators, and community members on best practices for educating children with dyslexia. In 2016, she was awarded “Child Advocate of the Year'' by the Virginia Parent and Teacher Association. Lorraine holds a certificate in Special Education Advocacy from the William and Mary Law School and is a member of the Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA). Lorraine’s advocacy at the state level resulted in mandated teacher training on dyslexia as well as improved reading interventions in local school districts.

Resources Mentioned:
International Dyslexia Association
Sally Shaywitz, MD
Yale Center for Dyslexia
National Center for Learning Disabilities

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