The Crosscast

The Crosscast S5E10 - National Champs review and previews of World Cup finale

Neil Mansfield, Matt Payne, Bruce Dalton and guests Season 5 Episode 10

In Episode 10 of Season 5, Neil, Matt and Bruce are just back from what was an excellent National Championships, but they are still far from dried out after the Saturday drenching.

In Crosstalk they talk through all the details of what was a challenging and muddy course, but a course that still brought exciting racing.  They reflect on their own experiences of being on the mic as well as on the start line... and Neil also making it to the finish line.  All the UCI races from Sunday are reviewed including the Junior women's and men's, as well as the two elite races. They also cover other key national Champs from across the world, over a weekend that saw some very experienced riders bring home jerseys to add to extensive collections, whilst other nations (including the UK) had younger riders taking titles.

In the Laatste Ronde the upcoming World Cup finale is previewed and the difficult choices facing riders and squads who might also be targetting the US World Champs are discussed... hopefully the final few races before focus shifts stateside, will be as entertaining as the venues promise, with a French Chateau, the best camera shot of the year, and a course that brings tight racing all due over the next fortnight.

Matt also unpacks the calculations that will be made to decide final positions at the final round of the National Trophy coming from Broughton. There is still a lot to decide and the course is promising to be a tough addition to the calender, whilst also benefitting from invested to make it a great venue... tune in next time to hear the view from Crosscast Towers on how close it is coming.

In the meantime - Bruce, we all hope that the physio does their magic with the National Champs DNF injury, and that you'll be able to take to the start line in Skipton.

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