Soca Chronicles
Soca Chronicles
Closing off 2024 with Mad Skull
This last episode of 2024 features an engaging conversation with Mad Skull as he delves into his journey in Soca and the inspiration behind his hit "Sound check." With discussions about the song of the month and insights into the collaboration within the Soca scene, listeners are invited to celebrate the festive season through the vibrant lens of Soca music.
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Welcome to the Soca Chronicles. Soca Chronicles with Sharns and RKO.
Speaker 2:Welcome to the 40th episode of Soca Chronicles, the podcast that brings you everything Soca. I'm RKO and I'm digitally sitting next to the one and only Sharns.
Speaker 3:Yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho, yo ho ho ho.
Speaker 2:It is indeed Christmas season, oh yes, and you've been waiting to drop this yo, yo yo, for I swear about two months, three months, oh yeah.
Speaker 3:One hundred one hundred.
Speaker 2:Any plans for the Christmas season? Listen to some Perang.
Speaker 3:I did not plan to listen to any Perang. In all honesty, this was the episode.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna quit it now. Thank you very much. Come on, man.
Speaker 3:Don't do this to me, man. Exactly. Nah, bro, just spent time with family. Got a few DJ gigs Between now and the new year.
Speaker 2:Nice.
Speaker 3:And yeah, that's it really man.
Speaker 2:Fair enough, that's it.
Speaker 3:What about you?
Speaker 2:Well, I'm gonna Spend most of my time Listening to all these new mixtapes that are dropping. Oh sugar, yes, it is a festive season Because Everybody and their mother Are dropping Like early 2025 seasonal mixes, and I'm loving all of them. There's a lot of new music coming out. Every mix has some new hits in them, so, yeah, I'm living my best life at the moment.
Speaker 3:Yeah, no, 100%. My only issue is that a lot of them they don't have a track list. It's true and it's like, oh, I need a track list, yep, because I want to drop my.
Speaker 2:They don't have a track list it's true and it's like oh, I need a track list yep, because exactly, shazam is still not up to the standard of soca. So now it's a lot of searching, luckily. What?
Speaker 3:I always do is I just look for like the, the, the chorus, like line with oh yeah, that, that. That works a lot of the time, but not all the time. Sometimes it's just like, yeah, it's not happening I did last word like a song.
Speaker 2:Uh, it goes like testing, testing and I found out it was actually called soundcheck, and with that, I think it's good to also say that we have an interview this episode oh, with none other than the artist of that song, mad skull. I'm in the ghetto. No, we had an amazing interview with that guy. Um, nice guy. Um, yeah, that song, man soundcheck.
Speaker 3:Oh, what a banger massive, yeah, massive, massive song, massive song. But the interview is kind of long ish so I think we should just get right into it, okay, yeah I hear it.
Speaker 2:I hear it. We'll wait with the happy christmas and a merry new year, or whatever way you want to put it. Uh, for after the interview, then right yeah, buddy but before we go into that interview, I do want to just do the song of the month, if that's okay with you yes, sir because this song of the list I've told you already so much good music dropping and I think this one is one of my favorite but also your favorite at the moment oh, this song has so many people in a chokehold right now.
Speaker 3:Oh my lord 100 I.
Speaker 2:I actually played it to my daughter, to everybody in the house, to be honest like, look, this song is so awesome. I'm a total fanboy about the song, so let's uh, let's, get into it so what is the song of the month RKO.
Speaker 3:You've not even mentioned what it is.
Speaker 2:I'm already saying it in my head, no need to introduce it. The song of the month of December 2024 is Young Breda with the Greatest Bandover.
Speaker 3:Massive tune. Let's listen to it, RKO. I'm eager to hear it.
Speaker 1:This is the song of the month what are you doing?
Speaker 4:she said. She said, she said, let me get out of you. I say get out of me. She said just relax and let me get it in. Let me give you the theme. No, no, no. She said take it easy, I will do the work. You don't have to Wind up yourself. You don't have to Wind up yourself. Oh, she said take it easy, I will do the work, you don't have to Wind up yourself. You don't have to Wind up yourself. Oh, and if she bubble and she bubble and she bubble and whine, pushpan is the greatest man o' Pushpan. Roll your waist and bend over Pushpan.
Speaker 4:Oh, miss Lady, bubble and she bubble and she bubble and whine Pushpan. Give me the greatest man o' Pushpan. You a di making this man o' Pushpan Whine. I wanna whine on your bumper. I know you like steam, I know you like vibes, I know you like speed. Club work. Yall bend down, touch your knee Is a new wallpaper for my iPhone screen. She said let me cater to you. I said cater to me. She said just relax and let me give you the ting. Yes, girl, I wanna give you the ting. She said take it easy, I will do the work. You don't have to, you don't have to wind up yourself. She said, take it easy, I will do the work, you don't have to wind up yourself. And then she bubble, and she bubble, and she bubble and wind. Push back is the greatest man. Oh, push back. Roll your ears and bend. Oh, push back.
Speaker 2:That was the song of the month, the last song of the month of this year.
Speaker 3:Oh damn.
Speaker 2:Yeah, because time is flying. As you said, we have a very long interview interview, so let's go into the last interview of this year damn, let's do it. Soca chronicles we are back with the last interview of this year, and it's not just any interview or any artists that's joining us this month. We have Matt's call in the building welcome.
Speaker 4:Sharns is also the building.
Speaker 3:Welcome, welcome.
Speaker 4:You are starting off with.
Speaker 2:The biggest hit you've already out there. Everybody knows you from that song, this year at least, but you've been in the scene for a long, long time already before that.
Speaker 6:How did you get into the? Scene so back then, back in primary school, secondary school, you know me and Wetty grew up together. There we go, us and everything.
Speaker 2:I had questions on this, but yeah, there we go.
Speaker 6:Wetty used to do. They have what do you call her again? Junior, junior, soka, monarch and stuff. He used to go into that and I I used to watch him go brave, and you know what. He was an entertainer from a child.
Speaker 6:So this is new to him, but I used to tell myself I could do that too. So that is where I get the inspiration from, and it also comes from loving Soka music as well. Since I was smaller, I always loved soca music, so that that's how it come about see you, you've answered a lot of my questions already, because I was gonna ask.
Speaker 2:I see a lot of songs. Even all that you have are co-produced or produced by wetty beats yeah, but that explains it all yeah, yeah it's.
Speaker 6:It's just this family we have together. You know it's just good and he understand. If I tell him something, he can understand where I'll be coming from or with the ice or something like that. So yeah, that's it. Yeah, that helps a lot, but that don't mean I'm not looking to work with different pigeons out there, yeah, with different producers.
Speaker 2:See, that will be my next question. Stop answering them before that. No, no, no, no, it's perfect, he's doing my job.
Speaker 3:No, I get that but it's always nice to have like when there's like a producer that you work with regularly it's like they know your style so they can kind of tailor the beats or whatever to you yeah, exactly I've seen that with other artists and producers etc. So that that's a nice thing, but obviously you know any producers listening out here exactly yeah, matt's goal is is he's ready to work?
Speaker 6:yeah, I'm ready to work. I'm I just I need beats I need a feed of beats coming into me. A feed of beats coming in to me. If I get a feed of beats coming in, then ideas will keep flowing, because I always have ideas. I always have ideas for songs, you know. So I just need that beat you understand.
Speaker 3:Yes, okay.
Speaker 2:Exactly All right?
Speaker 3:Well, I'll see what I can do, because you know I'm connected in certain places day she hustling literally. But to be fair, you might end up in barbados because that's where most of my connections are. Yeah, well, that's good, there we go, end up on a bashment soca track or something like that. But yeah, do you know what I'm gonna get to work? Um, and yeah, because I got a lot of juice.
Speaker 6:I look empowered. I'll be looking out for some message or something coming.
Speaker 3:Yeah, man yeah, all right, I'll try, though don't don't like this. Yeah, I hear it and I just realized what I did there. But disclaimer, i'ma try because obviously if you record your song on that beat and it's trash, I can't help you.
Speaker 2:I can't it's gonna be trash and that's totally calm and then, if it is a hit, I do expect some sort of circle chronicles drop on that track you know, oh, 100 percent, yeah, yeah, 100 percent. Can't wait for that To happen. Man, that's amazing. So I'm a Chronicles.
Speaker 3:Are you not me?
Speaker 1:That's all I hear Straight up.
Speaker 2:And now I expect nothing less. I got y'all man.
Speaker 6:I got y'all.
Speaker 2:That's epic.
Speaker 3:Thank you.
Speaker 2:So we have a top three from your songs and there's a lot of discussions. I want to have no discussions. There's a lot of things that I want to discuss on those top three because, um, I knew you from soundcheck.
Speaker 2:I didn't know a lot of songs from you before until I started to do my research and starting to listen to some songs and that's some bangers like you've been dropping since years that I feel like weren't really picked up like yeah, but you know, that's why we're here, that's why we're going to listen to some of them and hopefully people will find out about your music and you have a few more listeners in your uh, you know your team, yeah so charlie, do you want to get started with number three?
Speaker 3:I shall, sharla. Do you want to get started with number three? I shall, okie dokie. So these are not based on popularity or anything like that. It's literally just our favorite three. So at number three we have a song called Good Morning. So talk to us about that song. How did that song come about? What sort of inspiration did you get when you made it, etc.
Speaker 6:Etc so good morning come about there. You see it all mostly all my songs, not no. So all the latest songs came about when I'm driving for some reason.
Speaker 6:Okay always have that inspiration when I'm I'm driving, you know yeah it was an early morning, I was driving going to work and I was listening to pata ranking. Have a song, um and a bulio, a blue or some, some, some, some, some song I forgot what the name of it, but you know, from from africa, from Africa, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, nice. So I was listening to his song and then I think, when I was, I look for the instrumental because I like the beat he sings, and then I start playing the beat and then it was morning time, so I just keep going. I even have a video on Instagram with that same morning.
Speaker 3:Oh, nice yeah.
Speaker 6:That's how Good Morning comes about, and I just linked my producer, power. That's his power music. He's from Grenada, but I think he lives in America. So, I linked him and then we done the song together.
Speaker 2:That's how Good Morning come about. So it's not a Weddy Beats production. No, no, no, it's a Weddy Beats production. Exactly, there are others. No, I liked it and like it has a groovy type of style to it, like it's really nice to listen to when you're just waking up in the morning.
Speaker 6:And another idea. So this is basically so songs that I wrote it come from different ideas. So I was thinking, okay, kes could say hello, okay, yeah, you know hello. And people could say different, like hello, bye, you know. So I just say, okay, well, if you're walking down the road, we're going to tell somebody in the morning. Good morning, you know. Back in the Caribbean. Yeah, of course.
Speaker 3:Yeah because in the UK that's what happens. Not really, not that much, but that's another part we come about.
Speaker 2:Nice, nice, nice, nice, nice, nice. Should we have a listen to this one I?
Speaker 3:think we should.
Speaker 2:The suspense is killing us all, all right let's go Wake up All you know me Wake up Good morning, good morning my people, my people, good morning, good morning my people, my people, my people Go away.
Speaker 1:All the bad mind people go away. All the negative people go away. Now, all the bad mind people go away. All the negative people go away. Now is morning. Go say a prayer and let me jump up today. Go away. All the bad mind people go away. All the negative people go away. Now is morning. Go say a prayer and let me jump up. Today I woke up feeling so happy. Nobody can spoil my joy. I drink a cup of whiskey and I start to jump up for joy. All right, you didn't make it to you in the afterlife, but if you woke up, open your right hand. Good morning, good morning, my people, my people. Good morning, good morning my people, my people go away. All the bad night people go away. All the negative people go away. Now it's morning, go say a prayer and then we jump up today. Go away. All the bad night people go away. All the negative people go away.
Speaker 2:Now it's morning that was our number three from the top three of mad skull songs. Good morning banger 100. Moving on to number two, which I have very high in my ranking, but yeah, our number two I think you should introduce number two okay that's fine dying to introduce number one yeah yeah, that is absolutely fine. So on number two, we have band up from a 2022, I think it was, yeah, 22. Tell us tell us more about that song, because, again, it's a groovy, it's just a few roots.
Speaker 6:It's a, it's a, it's, it's a, it's a power soaker. But is that more melodic?
Speaker 2:yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, exactly.
Speaker 6:But better when I've come about. Bro, how's been I've come about. I didn't say, I think I. I got this idea a long time, but I just stole my ideas in my phone, like when I get, when I, when I, when I got an idea, I'll just record it.
Speaker 6:Or okay for wetty, or yeah yeah yeah david, send it to myself, because I have two phones, so I'll just send it to myself, so I could just keep the idea. Yeah, so, um, I had the idea, but this idea is more like you know, you, you went out and then you drink your drink, and then you don't know when you drink and you're drunk, you, you, you in the back seat, and then it has to have a double meaning yeah, you're better I'm giving you a meaning, you understand.
Speaker 6:So when you go on, you're drinking, you're drunk and you you're in the back seat. You know, you, you kind of been up sleeping, oh yeah, yeah, it can't stay still, yeah. But if you listen to the song she in the back seat being up me and she in the back seat, which you know been up, you know, yeah, big people think, big people think yeah, yeah. So that's that's how that come about. But, um, I to Holland and record this one with Westy. Oh, you recorded it in Holland Aye.
Speaker 3:RKO, you recorded it in your country you mean the Netherlands, holland, oh, so Holland. Yeah, in the Netherlands.
Speaker 6:Yeah, netherlands, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's where he lives. Yeah, I'm from there.
Speaker 6:Okay, okay, I didn't know that. Because, I be over there a lot, though, really. Yeah, I just go over there and do some recording. I just use SD Productions, which is in London here, and then, yeah, you know.
Speaker 3:SD Production innit yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 6:Yeah, yeah, yeah. So I do ST beats Because. I do not do too, much studios to go and record.
Speaker 3:Okay.
Speaker 6:That's how that came about. Still the Bend Up song.
Speaker 2:Nice. See, it's always something new, you learn.
Speaker 3:There we go, there we go.
Speaker 2:But we haven't listened to the song yet.
Speaker 3:We haven't. All right, let's have a listen.
Speaker 1:All right, let's go bend up mad school You're getting it, you're getting it Isn't even the feeling catch me, You're getting it. You're getting it. What it's. One set up, burn up, burn up. I in the box, it end up, burn up, burn up. We drink until we fed up. Burn up, burn up she in the box, it end up Between me and you. What it is.
Speaker 1:You think that half we there? Eh eh, what an appitite. And a sticky, sticky I what it is. You think that have we there? Eh, eh, what an apity. Ah, sicky, sicky. Eh eh, I wasn't ready. I have no more energy. Eh, eh, what an apity. Dong in chi belly. Eh, eh, I wasn't ready. Ya know what you Tek, tek, tek, tek, tek, tek, tek tek.
Speaker 1:We yo get. Because the rum no trouble yo, the rum no trouble. Yo Tek, tek, tek, tek, tek, tek, tek tek. We yo get. Because the rum not trouble you the road, not trouble you Anybody feeling catch way, you're getting it, you're getting it. Is anybody feeling catch way, you're getting it, you're getting it. It's what it is. Burn up, burn up. I in the backseat, burn up, burn up, burn up. We drink until we fed up. Burn up, burn up shit in the backseat up better, better. We drink until we fed up better, better. She in the backseat and up between me and you. What it is you think that have we there? What an appetite and a sticky sticky. I wasn't ready, I have no more energy. What an appetite down in she belly I wasn't ready.
Speaker 2:Be ready again. That was our number two, band Up by Mads Kohl Sharns. Please have the honors. I'm so excited.
Speaker 3:At number one. At number one, we have Soundcheck Featuring Wetty Beats. Testing testing, Testing, testing testing, testing.
Speaker 6:Are they hearing me from the front? Are they hearing me from the back?
Speaker 2:That is such a big tune.
Speaker 3:If you can hear me get on, if you can hear me get on, but testing, testing, sorry, yeah, I love you, I love you, I love you, carry on. Yeah, exactly, if you want to do the whole song.
Speaker 1:We can ask for a performance you know, but love you, I love you.
Speaker 5:Carry on, yeah, exactly, If you want to do the whole song, we can ask for a performance. You know, but you know if you want to do it, that's fine.
Speaker 3:Listen what you don't understand about me yet is I get carried away with things, so it's better for me to stop now because, yeah, let me not, let me stop now, but yeah, that tune. That is the song that opened my eyes to you. That is the song that opened my eyes to you. That is the song in a good way obviously in a good way.
Speaker 4:Come on, if it wasn't in a good way, do you think you'd be?
Speaker 3:here, right now you wouldn't come on now, I'm playing. I'm playing. That's rude but that after that song and then I obviously went to search you on Instagram then realised we're already friends on Instagram. So then realized oh damn, I actually knew you way before that song, but never knew that you did music. Imagine that.
Speaker 6:Yeah, a lot of people, a lot of people on the circus scene, like even some of Nitro and these other, like Tate and what this guy from what is um dj? From solution him, um, um, is he?
Speaker 3:based in saint lucia.
Speaker 6:No, no, no he basically in the uk he's lightning dj no, shy boy when I went to um soak a karaoke. He does work alongside with um lj karaoke.
Speaker 2:He does work alongside with um lj a lucian. Are you sure he's lucian?
Speaker 6:I don't know, I don't know, I just suddenly put this thing out, sorry. He's the dj for um triple m, triple m. How can I forget triple m?
Speaker 2:yeah, but anyways, he's trinity no, but it makes sense because he's Motto's DJ.
Speaker 6:So that's the link I just suggest oh, you may be Trini, but I mean sorry, my bad, I didn't know.
Speaker 3:You understand that's fine, we all make mistakes, it's okay, but I spoke to him.
Speaker 6:I spoke to so much DJ and you know one of my mates I still have a video on my phone One of my mate was telling triple him you need to listen to mike. You know he was hype, he was a bit drunk. What he said yeah, you're gonna be the next biggest thing because that's my mate. We know he know me music, what I have, because when I go, yeah, bring him along with me. So he's telling him well, I spoke to a lot of different djs and artists will know me. Djs and artists will know me. Artists know me from before because you know we all do music together. But DJs, you know those are the ones that I needed to get connected with. But I never sell myself when I came to the UK as an artist.
Speaker 6:I just sold myself as a normal civilian 100%, because that's how I knew you.
Speaker 3:You used to really trouble me in the parties.
Speaker 6:Yeah, yeah, yeah, that was back then.
Speaker 3:Always had something to say, yeah yeah, something smart to say You're lucky, I didn't fight you back then. Now, I'm playing. Then we're here now. Yeah, no, but we got on, that's the thing we got on back then because that's why we were friends on instagram. If not, I would have blocked you from a long time, but I always thought you were cool, but I just I didn't know who you were.
Speaker 6:That's crazy yeah, yeah, I didn't know the true small world I just knew civilian you yeah, that's crazy I, I always wanted to to get on the uk, the uk soccer scene, because I'm saying to myself you know what, I live here. But, for example, like Vibes King, I'm saying Jab King again. Vibes King he does inspire me a lot. He's a person he go, go and he will be in all effect from all.
Speaker 6:Yes, doing this exactly see, I want to promote myself in a UK and do stuff. I don't want to be too much like like always being there, being a being, the eyes, and I like I will be there, but I want to be missed. If people seeing you all the time, all the time, yeah, and then they'll get fed up, they will say yeah again, yeah, yeah, yeah, you understand. So yeah that's.
Speaker 6:That's what I want to get on the UK scene on a level, because I'm living here. I'm from St Vincent and the Grenadines, that's where I represent, yes, but I live here, so I want to promote myself here and back here as well no, but on that point, before I ask you about soundcheck etc.
Speaker 3:Just off that point there. So I get what you're saying. Like you don't want people to constantly see you everywhere to possibly get bored of you. But that is what you need to do. You need to be visible so that people get to know who you are. It's the same thing goes for a DJ. If you're a DJ and you want to get more bookings, you have to be everywhere. Whether you're booked or not, you have to be there. You have to network with the right people. Obviously, for you it's going to be all the DJs. Make sure the DJs have your music. And do you know what I mean? Just djs, make sure the djs have your music. And you know? I mean just get them to be playing your music and then, boom, people get to know you. So you have to be everywhere. Once everybody knows who you are, then you can kind of start to ease down and you don't need to be everywhere so much. But to begin with, that's just my advice yeah, be everywhere.
Speaker 6:It's a good advice where you say you know you, you need to be there and connect it with the DJ and stuff like that. But you can't compare a DJ with an artist, because they have few songs, while a DJ only playing people's songs.
Speaker 6:Me personally, I am learning. I think I told you that yesterday I want to learn more about because my brother is one of the big dj back in my country. Um, so I want to learn. These are stuff that I'm interested in and I think I can do it. I want to learn how to dj and I want to. I think I could mc and could come naturally. Yeah, I want to learn how to dj. Yeah, yeah, that's one of the thing, and you know, doing music. Music is always my my first love, you know.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, yeah, maybe maybe on on that point as well, because, sharon's, I do agree with you to some extent. But then again, you know, one soundcheck song comes along and people will be asking, you know, for you to come play, instead of you asking if you could play like it all. Like for an artist, it takes one song that breaks through and then you don't have to ask anymore. But for a dj, you know, either you are famous or you have to. You have to build that really like you don't have something your own, except for your skills that you can, you know, be known of.
Speaker 3:If that makes sense, yeah, just go yeah no, I get that but if you're trying to make it in a certain place where people don't know you for example, black boy, black boy. You see black boy everywhere, so everybody knows who he is. Do you see what I'm saying? But I'm not saying you need to do that forever.
Speaker 6:I don't want everybody to know no, no.
Speaker 1:No, no, no. But Shurence, shurence, I want to be out, shurence, I want to be out. What was his biggest song?
Speaker 2:this year, sorry. What was Black Boy's biggest song this year, this year? Exactly, wait, wait, wait, no, exactly, exactly, you don't know. No, no, no, wait pause.
Speaker 3:Pause song that I play the most from this year is boom flick with jaguar. That song slaps, true, but yeah, I'm not gonna lie to you. This year black boy's not really been about as much as he used to be musically or present as in present in fets. I've not seen black boy in a while, but I used to see him regularly but, that's what I'm saying. So once you've done it and everybody knows who you are, or you've got your music out there enough exactly then you can kind of ease back.
Speaker 3:That's what I'm saying, but obviously I get what you're saying as well. But that's just my opinion, yeah yeah, I will be more I will be.
Speaker 6:I will be more on the scene, please. But I will be more on the scene, please, but I will be more on a performing Like I'll come out and perform. Yeah, yeah, yeah, but that's what I mean. That's what I mean.
Speaker 3:Because I've not seen you since, probably like 2018. Yeah, I've not seen you and I used to see you in parties all the time, but obviously you were just there, because I just take I just life, just take a different turn.
Speaker 6:I hear it To me. I just think sometimes If the party too crowded and you can't get space, I just don't like these kind of stuff anymore. That's why I go VIP and if the VIP too full up, it's just the space. Sometimes I get it 2025.
Speaker 3:Not even 2025, starting from this year, because there are a couple of parties Between now and the end of the year and you need to be there.
Speaker 6:Because, obviously.
Speaker 3:Soundcheck Is starting to get Real rotation in the UK, so you need to capitalise off that, for sure, for sure.
Speaker 2:Exactly, I think most important Perform your songs, that you have Record new songs. I think that's as an artist. That's.
Speaker 6:New songs always on the way, man.
Speaker 2:New songs are there we go. That's what I like to hear.
Speaker 6:New songs always on the way. Definitely that's one thing I never out that Ideas.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 3:Good songs, you know that's it also when you're out. Of course, everybody Well, not everybody, but people are getting to know Soundcheck Perform other songs as well. I was thinking that, so they can get to know that.
Speaker 6:Because when I did Soca Karaoke, you know, triple M asked me If I wanted to oh yeah, you were there, but I wasn't there.
Speaker 3:Okay, yeah, sorry so.
Speaker 6:He asked me if I wanted to Perform the other songs, but I just wanted to perform the song that when people know the greater way, the best way To perform All my other tracks which I think that I can sell it In a better way. I love performing with a band. If I had a band.
Speaker 4:Trust me.
Speaker 6:I could sell a song with a band. Yeah, but I will do it. I will. I will try to push the other songs, like the songs on them that I had before, and try push them now. Still, I will do it and just regardless if the crowd in gian while.
Speaker 3:But listen yeah, pick, pick two. Don't have to perform, bury them, just pick two and then sound check. That's three songs you're performing. Yeah, so maybe start with sound check and then we go into your other two that aren't very known and then end on sound check boom performance done. You don't even need to perform for more than six minutes Done.
Speaker 2:Also, if you need a manager, Sjarn is ready for you.
Speaker 3:Thank you, thank you.
Speaker 2:Come on. But maybe on that topic, because this is actually a question I did have Seeing the songs that you made in the past, because we're going full back to the music now, by the way, yes, so past, because we're going full back to the music now, by the way. So, yes, um. So, seeing the songs you've done, they're all their power, they're upbeat, but they're still um no, okay exactly there's, there's something.
Speaker 6:I got what you're saying.
Speaker 2:I get what you're saying, that's right the style that I got from the songs that I've listened to. They are more to the rhythm and groovy parts. Then, compared like comparing to soundcheck, it's like a new, a new mascot. I've seen, like you know, the energy you you bring to to soundcheck is is triple the size normally than what I've seen in like bend up or, uh, good morning, like you're really. You know you're going for it. Is that a new?
Speaker 6:something you've done is not so. You see, I personally think that the reason why it's different is because song check wasn't recorded by wetty, because what he does record, like you just want to take your time and just recall the song. But yeah, put some back vocals and things yeah heavy, but song chat, no, I just I recorded by sd, sd um studio, so yeah, I just go in and start to hammer it. Just give it the height, I just hammer it, and that's why it's so high. What?
Speaker 6:yeah, I think it's a different difference in the um the producer you know that's excellent point.
Speaker 2:I love that because you can also see that from from Wetty.
Speaker 6:Wetty has a style and this is a bit different because of that Just calm yourself and just sing the song, and then you're just filling in with back vocals.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, oh, I love that, I love that. Yeah, that is cool.
Speaker 6:That's why it's like that. But before, like, I had a song called Family and All you Know Me. That is how I started, like how testing recorded. That's how I've done the first set of music, the first set of songs, power songs. Then that's how I've done it.
Speaker 2:Right right, right right.
Speaker 6:I put it back to me original way of singing.
Speaker 2:Exactly Nice. Well, it's paying off.
Speaker 3:Definitely where you're um singing exactly nice. Well, it's paying off.
Speaker 6:Definitely, definitely, and on that, note before we forget, tell us more about soundcheck, please, so soundcheck come about. Same driving so others, others um. You know lorries, you know what is a?
Speaker 3:lorry, yeah, do I know what is a?
Speaker 6:lorry, yeah, I know because okay, truck, let me say truck, just yeah, for for the americans yeah, yeah for the listening listening people like me, insurance.
Speaker 6:I don't know what a lorry is come on man, it just had a night and for some reason and Songcheck didn't what he had this beat we sent to me. When he know Billy, he sent it to me and just tell me, write something for him. So I had the beat for a while, like maybe a couple of days. But when I get a beat and I love the beat, what I do is just play it, like when I drive in trucks, I just play and they could be running for two, three hours. Okay, I get the idea. Yeah, but this idea come, I saying because, okay, I'm, I'm in the british army and I'm leaving the british army. So I wanted, and I was going back into doing soccer on a full time, or I don't want to do it part-time, but but I was going back home to my country, which I haven't done carnival in like eight years, oh, wow. So in my mind I was saying, regardless, when I go home, people still show me love, people still treat me like I'm the same Matt's called when I go.
Speaker 6:Yeah. So I was telling myself I need a song so people can hear me. You know, I want people to hear me to get the response, just to let them know that Maskell is back.
Speaker 6:Yeah, so, and I don't know how this testing I don't know where I got the idea from, but it just come in one night driving truck and I keep saying me, when I write in, if I get one word, I will repeat that word over and over and over and over and over again, and then everything else will fill in, like I'll keep saying testing, testing, testing, testing. Oh, I think I was listening to this. Anyways, forget that. But I keep repeating testing.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 6:Then all the KM in front front, all the KM in front back, and you know I almost forget this, like I was going for my phone to record it. Because when I said it and it sound wicked when I go in for my phone because I hustled to get my phone to go and record it. Because when I said it, and it sounds wicked when I go in for my phone because I hustle to get my phone to go and record it now I was trying to remember exactly what I was saying, but actually because sometimes the idea could come and then it's just gone.
Speaker 6:You just yeah the way it just said yeah, yeah, that's, that's how that come about. And then I just keep so, testing, testing the whole hook. I kind of do the hook voice on a different beat and then I send it for wetty. But I send it for wetty, I normally send the voice note with his song playing would be playing in the background. And then what he say yeah, he didn't like it but I never. I never wrote any verses on it. Um, I recorded, I went to sd and funny thing is I never named the song song check, you know.
Speaker 6:Oh I never named it, song check, because it's testing, testing yeah it's mic check, I just went on mic check. Yeah, I recorded a song. Esty recorded a song and then Esty just named it song check. I never.
Speaker 2:See the side of this, is it now?
Speaker 6:Just named it song check. Yeah, big up to Esty, Same way. Yeah, he just named it, song check. Which is it come up? Testing? Testing would have been more easier to find, but song check, it's still shot. It's still shot. Exactly but that's just how it come about. So the verses, the verses then. So I start writing the verses and then you say I said to myself you know what? I don't have a strong hook, I don't want to put too much stuff in it and then water it down.
Speaker 6:Of course yeah, I'm not a mate. We all grew up together. I'm a bit older than him. He's a bit young, but he lives in Canada. A senator in my name is Maxwell, but I think everybody's friend is his social media name. He does the comedian stuff and stuff like that. Okay, okay, but I senator him and tell him do the voices. And then he, just, he, just I say listen to my song. Um, all you know me like, listen to my songs, what I used to do back, then yeah to them and then you will get the back, them voices and it's shot yes trust me, it's good 100.
Speaker 6:One thing I realized when you go to a party, if you ask anybody how divorce is, them go. People don't know divorce people. All people know testing.
Speaker 4:This is true, you know what? What it's?
Speaker 2:so true, even all these hits from any big Soca hit. You hear the verse everybody knows, or the chorus, everybody knows. But then there are songs that I don't know. The second verse of it has two or three verses. Djs play the first first, move on to the next one. You know, yeah, yeah. And at some point I'm on my spotify, whatever, or my youtube. I have this song and I'm like oh, wait, there's more.
Speaker 6:And that happens so much, so much you know it's such a waste of writing. Yeah, that's why sometimes it's it's put your your strongest verse after yeah, the beginning yeah, a hundred percent, a hundred percent. And then, whatever happens after, happens after.
Speaker 2:Yeah, to make a complete song, but at least your part for the mix is there, you know, definitely, definitely, yeah, go on.
Speaker 6:Testing. Testing was built on a different beat and then, after I sent it to Wetty, the time that I sent it to wetty, because if you look on my instagram, again.
Speaker 6:I have a clip with a different beat playing okay since last day I was telling, I was saying that on instagram I said this song is going to mash up the whole saint vincent and the grenadines, uh, and the whole caribbean. But what he, what, what he done is he? He sell the beat to somebody else, which I think different big art is gonna be on it, because I wanted to release it this year and the people and them was taking too long to release it. What you just we're gonna do, we're just do over a whole different beat and on the computer. Well, we was on the phone, I was listening. Yeah, I keep telling him it has something. I was saying that you have an instrument in it. I said, boy, that instrument, they have a demon in that instrument.
Speaker 6:Yeah, yeah kind of giving you this kind of vibes. Yeah, but that instrument they have a demon in it. Boy, and I say yeah, and it's all. He built a different beat and, trust me, I love it, I love it.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it works, it works, it works it works gone yeah, that song is gone boy yeah
Speaker 2:you can still. You can see all the skill that's involved in this right, because you said somebody wrote the verses, somebody made a whole new beat on it, you just came up with the rhythm while working basically like the hooks. Yeah, it's like so many things happen from start to finish I didn't really want it.
Speaker 6:Sometimes it's, it's good to I know people want to. If it feels a good writer, yeah. But sometimes I think I just overthink writing. Sometimes, yeah, I to me personally, I think I go that right like hooks okay but with, with creating a good hook line, you know, for the chorus yeah, yeah but getting the verse.
Speaker 6:I might kind of overthink the verse or I might being repetitive is good sometimes in a song because you find pretty big songs, kind of be exactly. But I would advise anybody don't think somebody is writing, just send it to somebody that's writing on here don't overthink it.
Speaker 2:There's good advice in general. Yeah, trust me and a simple song.
Speaker 3:Those are normally the ones that blow because it's like people can remember it and then it's like very catchy and just in their head like I think obviously bungee is an absolute great artist, but I feel like his verses a lot are just a bit too complicated, like it's too. It's too much and that's.
Speaker 6:That's the same. That's me, and Wetty was having this conversation. Yeah, because Wetty is hilarious. Wetty will put a lot of work that they made.
Speaker 4:You're saying too much things yeah exactly yeah, the proof is all in the fish.
Speaker 2:Do you miss me? Yeah, I'm sitting on my toilet drinking drinking whiskey yeah, exactly, I get like as a ex-producer, I get so annoyed when I listen to that song because at some point there's like a blank, like there's just a beat. It doesn't even make up words anymore in that song. It's just empty. I'm like you just gave up there, but still it's such a big hit at the moment it's a banger.
Speaker 3:It's a banger. It's a banger, it is.
Speaker 6:And there are a lot of great songs out there that don't get pushed. So yeah, this is how a song could become a hit. You could sing the world song out and one popular person Start facts rings in that song Yep, everybody else, or if you're in a party and he did the city crowd game bad, because the DJ is going to hype up the song.
Speaker 6:Yes, yes, he's like this, so he's gonna hype it up. And then the crowd when what? As long as you hype it up, you're gonna get that energy from you. Of course I want that song play. And then somebody else gonna see that and somebody is gonna say, oh, so that's how that's really and that's how it, yeah, yeah, with everybody else, you know but there are a lot of good songs out there that really don't get played played 100.
Speaker 3:That's the sad thing, man. Yeah, that is the same.
Speaker 6:I think me personally. I think I was. I actually I was. I was made to do music, I believe, so I was made for this. What I'm doing now it's in me. Yeah, yeah, exactly yeah. Now it's in me, yeah, exactly yeah. I feel it's in me Because some people, they could be good, they could be great, and it's just a working for them.
Speaker 6:But, for me. I think it's all to deal with my personality. You know the way I carry myself and stuff like that. Definitely it's just me Because I think. And it's not just me let me, let me just make it plays is also because you know II. I think he knew you know, yeah, so that's what I want to say. Nice, I think we should really have a listen to soundcheck now. Sorry, testing testing.
Speaker 2:I mean not not soundcheck, we're gonna have a listen. Yeah, let's go our number one from the top three mad school songs, because this song 1, 2, 1, 2, Mic Check 1, 2.
Speaker 1:Get on back, turn up back, Mic Check, Mic Check 1, 2, 1, 2 Back. Turn up back. Testing, testing, testing, testing. All the goodie on me from front, all the goodie on me from back. Testing, testing, testing, testing. All the goodie on me from front, All the goodie on me from back. Testing, testing, testing, testing. All the goodie on me from front, All the goodie on me from back. If you could hear me get on, If you could hear me get on back Testing, testing, testing. If you could hear me get on, If you could hear me get on back Testing, testing, testing, testing, Testing, testing.
Speaker 1:I ain't coming to rampant skin. I want you move anything. I know why you stand up still testing one, two mushroom fed, that's nothing new. I want to see all them crew get them back like they lose and screw, shake, break, run, jump. All the gala them bend their back back, teeth shell flat. If you could hear me just mash up that. All the goody, hear me, all the goody, hear me, all the goodie, hear me, All the goodie, hear me, All the goodie, hear me, All the goodie, hear me. Testing, testing, testing, testing. All the goodie, hear me from front, All the goodie, hear me from back. Testing, testing, testing, testing All the goodie, hear me from front, All the goodie hear me from back. If you could hear me get on, If you could hear me get on back Testing, testing, testing, testing.
Speaker 2:If you could hear me get on, if you're gonna let me get on by testing, testing, testing, testing. If you're gonna, let me get on, if you're gonna let me get on by testing, testing, testing. All right, we're moving on to our final question.
Speaker 3:Sharon's your favorite yeah yeah, my favorite question, right. So if you were stuck in a studio or in a studio, it's a studio. I was gonna say the old question that got changed, that I didn't like. But anyway, if you could be stuck in a studio with any soaker artist, dead or alive, who would it be and why? And before you answer, when I say stuck in a studio, I mean that there's something happening outside and you're like locked in, the key broke off in the lock, there's a blizzard outside, you can't leave. There's World War Five going on. So if you step outside you're going to get shot and killed. You cannot leave the studio. Don't ask me for how long, I don't know, but you can't leave. I don't know, but you can't leave. So if you could be stuck in the studio, just one, why do people want to?
Speaker 6:come with more than one it's just one.
Speaker 3:Okay, just one, please. One who and why see, it's not an easy question. When you can only think of one, I could say Wetty, you understand.
Speaker 2:But he doesn't count you can be in the studio with him anytime.
Speaker 3:That's what I'm saying.
Speaker 2:Anybody from the Soca scene Could be, bungie could be, marcia Montano Could be, I don't know. Anyone dead or alive.
Speaker 3:It could be blacks. It could be Marshall Montano, could be I don't know Anyone dead or alive. It could be Blacks. It could be anyone Dead or alive.
Speaker 2:Old school, new school, you know.
Speaker 3:Anyone.
Speaker 2:Producers.
Speaker 3:No, no, no, no, no, actually, no, it can be actually.
Speaker 2:It can be producers just anyone from the Soca scene.
Speaker 6:Yeah, you see, see, it depends on and how we take in this, because, um, I would say problem child, yeah, okay not a bad answer that one before.
Speaker 3:Okay, talk to me why problem?
Speaker 6:problem is a problem right now, right now I, I just kind of study. Probably, you see, I'll just study. So I build myself. When I, when I was building myself, when I was getting, you know, I used to look look at bungee marshall and skinny.
Speaker 6:So I kind of built the way how I perform based on these free person you know different elements and things that I take from them and make me on the page writing the way I work, because skinny skinny is a person he will cut the beat, not not cut the beat while the beat playing in the back to the crowd and still catch back the beat. And hi, yeah, yeah I kind of learned that from him. Bungee are always doing a little freestyle and thing on stage.
Speaker 1:And I do it.
Speaker 6:so kimono and stuff like that, and Marshall, just as an entertainer, just as an entertainer in general, talking to the crowd, doing some. You know, there are certain things I see he done on a Donathan stage and it works for me as well, yeah yeah. And so now it's like problem child problem, challenge just this, this writer who I I just to just analyze, just study the way. Yeah, right, you know, because I want to get to that.
Speaker 2:You know level, okay, I hear it that makes sense yeah, that's good ambition as well, because that man is everywhere and always, always, ever I'm, I'm impressed, I'm, I'm very impressed with you.
Speaker 6:Know some of the songs and stuff well, you know he creates, so yeah definitely and study him. So that's, that's the personal I will.
Speaker 3:Okay, can't remember that, and another thing Problem that guy just drops song after song after song. I cannot keep up. I even said to him like commented on Instagram one time I cannot keep up, yeah.
Speaker 2:The man's like a shotgun, you know. He's not like a pistol shooting off, he's just, you know.
Speaker 3:This is songs, just pat song. New song for you.
Speaker 2:Pat, pat, pat, pat pat. 15 new songs. Here you go, have fun I'm just like yo making a hit.
Speaker 3:Too many bangers I can't keep up. Yeah, I hear it, I hear it, but I love it, I love it, I love problem as well.
Speaker 6:He's, yeah, he's epic because this yeah, I could just decide it. Okay, I could do, I'll just drop six songs for the year. Yo, that works, yeah. But if I get any more beat coming in and yeah, yeah, okay, well, release it then yeah, exactly, yeah yeah, which is decent definitely but people I'm from, sorry, I'm from st vincent and the grenadines based. Based in Union Island.
Speaker 6:Union Island, yeah, yeah yeah, yeah, I'm from Union, Nice, but still St Vincent and the Grenadines. But I live in Grenadines, you know. So big up to all my people and them in St Vincent. Yeah, mic check, testing, testing. I hope I'll go out and stream, stream all my old song because I think I put them up on all streaming platforms and then, okay, nice, yeah, um, yeah, big up all yourself and big up to the uk. I soon come out and the uk silk has seen a mashup.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you're better you're better, you're better, you're better, you're better. How do we find you? Yeah, I was literally just going to say that while you're at it, tell them all your social handles, instagram, the X which formerly known as Twitter, wherever people can find you. Tell them, please.
Speaker 6:Instagram is the mad, one, mad skull, which is T-H-E-m-a-d one, not o-n-e, just put one t-h-e-m-a-d.
Speaker 3:The mad one.
Speaker 6:That to make it easier, because I forgot I forgot that already mad one mad skull, and yeah, it's just instagram and tikt think TikTok is the mad one yeah the mad one. I don't really do. I used to love social media, but yeah that's a whole other story, because I I've social media. Social media is just, you know, it's work it's a living lie it's a living lie.
Speaker 6:I used to try to Like. I used to see my friends and them and seeing different people doing certain things on social media and in my mind I'm thinking I want to do that too, but they're doing whatever they're doing and sometimes it's not even real and I fight for working hard and spending my money trying to keep up with them, which is, nah, it's not even real and I fight for working hard and spending my money trying to keep up with them which is dangerous but yeah, that's a whole different topic, but it's dangerous.
Speaker 3:You're right, no, I hear you but as an artist, you need to be active on social media. You have to.
Speaker 6:I do, but yeah, I'll get someone to do it, because sometimes I could be very someone to do it, because sometimes I can be very lazy to do it oh, can't we all?
Speaker 4:I know I can be very lazy as well that's just normal big up to Soca Planet, big up to Soca Chronicles.
Speaker 6:And thank you for having me today testing, testing, can you hear me? No, I appreciate it now.
Speaker 3:I appreciate your time, yeah trust me thank you so much, and thank you for being prompt, even though I was a bit late I appreciate you putting me to shame but yeah we're gonna link up for sure. All right, awesome, we'll have a wonderful christmas yeah, and happy new year yeah, and have a prosperous new year yes
Speaker 2:you too thank you very much, appreciate you. Thank you very much for the nice interview. Yes, all right, yeah, man, thank you bye bye peace this is Soca Chronicles that was our very last interview of this year with Madskull. What a guy. There is a lot of like future music coming from that guy and if you know a producer or if you are a producer, be sure to hit him up because he is looking for them.
Speaker 3:Juicy beats oh yeah, and with that I think we Be sure to hit him up Because he is looking for them.
Speaker 2:Juicy beats, oh yeah. And with that I think we should finalize this last episode of the year. I'm saying lost a lot this year. This year. I'm saying lost a lot this episode. That's what I'm trying to say but yeah, we hope you had a great Christmas and are going to have a happy new year.
Speaker 3:Definitely. So, whatever you're doing, guys, be safe, enjoy and we shall be back in 2025.
Speaker 2:Yep, with more interviews, more Song of the Months and maybe some other stuff that we come up with.
Speaker 3:Maybe, maybe we'll even return with A return of the Soca Chronicles Fet. Who knows?
Speaker 4:Tune in In 2025.
Speaker 3:To find out more.
Speaker 2:Then only one last thing to do, and that's to listen to our dear friend super nitro make sure you check out soca chronicles.
Speaker 5:Tag a friend, tell a friend, share the podcast. Let people know that this exists because it's good for the culture, it's good for the vibe, it's good for the energy, it's educational, it's fun, it's funny, it's bantiful and it's good for you to just know a little bit about the people that's making your music and the people that you're involved with listening to, and with that, thank you for listening and we will see you next year.
Speaker 3:See you next year. Bye-bye.
Speaker 2:Bye, you've been listening to the Soka Chronicles.