Oralicious - A Tale of Sex™️
News flash! Sex is still taboo in the 21st century, and I find this SHOCKING!!! “We are all born sexual creatures, thank God, but it's a pity so many people despise and crush this natural gift.” - As wonderfully stated by Marilyn Monroe. Our bodies are designed to enjoy many great pleasures, and one way is by sexual stimulation; which is natural. Having an orgasm releases stress and toxins from the body, again naturally. My Podcast, Oralicious – A Tale of Sex, will be an eye-opener that focuses on exploring our natural gifts through our SexSenses™️ (5 Senses:Sight, Sound, Taste, Touch & Smell), Kissing, Sexplay, Erogenous Zen™️, Passion and Sensuality. With you in mind, I want to shatter the glass ceiling, create healthy conversations about Sex, and dispel of the notion that Sex is a bad, foul, or a disgusting thing. Let’s stop the CRAY-CRAY! Case in point, Men love having their Penis sucked, that’s a fact and a must-have for 90% of men. And women want to enjoy the Pleasure Journey™️ of climaxing during sex too, by way of Oral Stimulation. We all have a Tale to Tell about Sex, so what's your Tale?
Oralicious - A Tale of Sex™️
Santa's Photo Shoot - 12 Days Before Christmas: Day 10
(DAY 10)
Breaking News!!
“Women now enjoy receiving oral sex more than any other type of sexual activity, research suggests.” Romy Wilde wrote in the sex and lifestyle section of the digital newspaper IOL, that women actually enjoy Oral Sex. No shit, Sherlock?! It is the surest thing that will get a woman to climax or explode during sex. In my opinion, I believe that once we erase the stereotype from society’s point of view about a woman’s sexual desires or “not wanting” to have an orgasm or that we don’t enjoy sex, too, then we can dispel with this asinine bullshit that women don’t or don’t want to enjoy oral sex.