The One With Your Questions
In Our Nature
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In Our Nature
The One With Your Questions
Jun 14, 2022 Season 1 Episode 15
Siobhán Friel

I answer a few of your questions about the stuff we're talking about on the podcast. Y'know, stuff like seeing thoughts and feelings in a new way and how this helps with anxiety and uncovering inner peace and all that. Right?

Come and explore the answers to...

  • "But what about when thoughts are true...?
  • "I don't have time to let my mind settle"
  • "My life sucks!"
  • "I'm still not taking action even when I feel better"


  • A few ponderings that might help in frenzied problem-solving mode
  • And - are YOU Anxious Alice? 

For details about the free live sessions mentioned in the show, get your butt on the mailing list at

Question, comment, idea or suggestion? Email me at or DM me on Instagram @siobhanfriel