In Our Nature
Living In More Harmony With All Those Other Humans
Jun 30, 2022
Season 1
Episode 17
Siobhán Friel
Gosh, it sure looks like those other humans can make life hard sometimes. It's because of them that we get upset, angry, anxious and annoyed. If they were different, we'd be happier. Right?
Erm, nope. We got that wrong.
Let's take a fresh look at our relationships and interactions and see if we can all have a nicer time co-existing on Earth.
Come and explore:
- The ways in which ALL humans are exactly the same
- The only difference we have (it's a big one though)
- OK I can't hold it in: the difference is our thinking (bet you guessed that, right?)
- How understanding how the other humans work can help us all get along
- Also, why we should definitely not change our appearance, or do anything at all, in response to being ghosted
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