87. Legally Protecting Your Wellness Business with Sarah Waldbuesser
The Profitable Nutritionist
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The Profitable Nutritionist
87. Legally Protecting Your Wellness Business with Sarah Waldbuesser
May 30, 2023 Episode 87
Andrea Nordling

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Does the thought of filing for an LLC, drafting client contracts, terms and conditions, privacy policies and trademarks or copyrighting make you want to crawl back into bed and hide under the covers?

We're fixing that TODAY.

Sarah Waldbuesser of Destination Legal, an expert at helping health and wellness coaches and professionals legally protect their businesses online, is breaking down this process step by step and making it so incredibly simple and doable in this episode that you won't ever feel overwhelmed thinking about it ever again.

Whether you're just starting out in your wellness biz or you're a seasoned biz veteran, this episode is going to be golden because Sarah explains:

  • How to know if you need liability insurance or contracts
  • What is the bare minimum legal protection you need on day 1 (it's way less than you think!)
  • What website protections you need to consider as an online practitioner
  • Deciphering state by state requirements and how to not to cross legal lines in what you're calling yourself or your scope of practice
  • Understanding copyright law, specifically as AI and ChatGPT have entered the marketplace

We covered A LOT of ground so you can be well informed on exactly what you need to do to sleep soundly at night knowing your business (and YOU) are legally protected.


Where You Can Find Sarah:
Website:  destinationlegal.com
IG: @destinationlegal
FREE coaches legal checklist: destinationlegal.com/coaches

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