120. 8 Big Wellness Website Mistakes with Stephani Halderman
The Profitable Nutritionist
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The Profitable Nutritionist
120. 8 Big Wellness Website Mistakes with Stephani Halderman
Jan 16, 2024 Episode 120
Andrea Nordling

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Is your website a money making asset or an embarrassing black hole where visitors disappear, never to be seen or heard from again?

Let's hope it's an asset consistently churning out ideal paying clients on your calendar.

If not, it could be because of one of the 8 common wellness website mistakes my guest Stephani Halderman sees all the time.

Stephani is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and web designer that specializes in holistic nutrition and wellness business websites, and believe me when I tell you she's seen it all.

On this episode, Stephani openly shares:

  1. 8 common wellness website mistakes that prevent SEO and organic website visitors from finding you
  2. How to leverage Google My Business functionality so strangers on the internet make it to your website
  3. The pros and cons of 3 common website platforms and how to know if you should switch

I was furiously taking notes during the interview with strategies to bring to my team as we launch a brand new website in Q1.

Audit your health and wellness website to make sure you aren't making any of these 8 big mistakes that will prevent your ideal clients from stumbling on your website organically and hiring you.


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